Shanghainese under attack
Headline in a Hong Kong Chinese newspaper, Bastille Post 巴士的報 (4/15/23):
Shànghǎi Xújiāhuì shūyuàn yìmíng zhī zhēng shìfǒu gǎi yòng Hànyǔ Pīnyīn zhuānjiā hándié
"Controversy over the transcription of the name of the Xujiahui Library in Shanghai: should it be changed to Hanyu Pinyin? Expert opinions"
Currently the name of this library at the entrance to its impressive building is "Zikawei". What does this name signify, and why is it a matter of contention? Put simply, "Zikawei" is the Shanghainese pronunciation of Mandarin "Xujiahui", and some nationalistic partisans are opposed to the use of Shanghainese on a public building in Shanghai.
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