The surname of the mayor of Prague is Hřib (Zdeněk Hřib [b. May 21, 1981]):
"Zdeněk Hřib: the Czech mayor who defied China"
By refusing to expel a Taiwanese diplomat, the Prague mayor has joined the ranks of local politicians confronting contentious national policies
Robert Tait in Prague
The Guardian, Wed 3 Jul 2019 01.00 EDT
The surname Hřib, though unusual, struck me as familiar. Jichang Lulu observes:
Hřib is the regular Czech reflex of the Proto-Slavic source of, e.g., the Russian and Polish words for "mushroom" (гриб, grzyb). The Czech form, however, has a more specific meaning (certain mushrooms, e.g., Boletus). On the other hand, the further origin of Slavic gribъ has long been a matter of much debate, and I'm not aware of a generally accepted Proto-Indo-European (or other) etymology.
That set me to wondering whether there are cognates in other IE branches.
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