Have a good / great (rest of [your / the]) day
In the "old days", when you were departing from a store or other premises, people would say to you, "have a good day". In some cases, they might replace "good" with "great". Within the last year or two, however, I've been hearing people who work in shops more and more say "Have a good rest of the day" or "Have a good rest of your day". When I first heard such goodbyes, especially the latter variant, I thought they were unnatural. I am still somewhat taken aback when I hear this sort of adieu, but since so many shopworkers and other people are saying it to me nowadays, I am gradually beginning to take it for granted, and am almost tempted to say it to others instead of "goodbye" once in a while, but it will take some time, maybe years, before I grow accustomed to saying it myself.
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