[This is a guest post by Martin Schwartz.]
"Unknown language #10" (12/1/17) left all stumped, including a broad range of superb scholars of many languages. I have no Rosetta Stone for it, but have something that may be called a Russetta or Rusetta (as in ruse) Bone.
First, the mystery text, which was the focus of Language Log Unknown Language #10, I reproduce it here as was transmitted there:
Ukhant karapet qulkt kirlerek
Iqat ighun chapuq sireleq,
Poghtu Paghytei Piereleq
Azlayn qoghular eliut karapet.
Now, to the above I give a set of verse found in Aleksandr Kuprin's Russian novel Jama ('The Pit'), 1909-1915:
U Karapeta est' bufet
Na bufete est' konfet,
Na konfete est' portret
Ètot samyj Karapet.
'Karapet has a buffet
On the buffet is a bonbon (vel sim.)
On the bonbon is a portrait,
It's the very same Karapet.'
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