Archive for Gift ideas
November 23, 2017 @ 12:08 am· Filed by Heidi Harley under Awesomeness, Gift ideas
Is there a linguist in your life? Puzzled for a present that might really shiver their timbers? I know it seems like we're all living on a higher plane, laser-focused on abstractions beyond the merely corporeal, but we do enjoy a worldly indulgence now and then. Consider, for example, these beautiful IPA-print scarves (and other merch) available on Redbubble from the inimitable Lingthusiam podcast team, Gretchen McCulloch and Lauren Gawne. Just the thing for keeping one's neck cozy at the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America in January in Salt Lake City. All the cool kids will be wearing them!

December 20, 2016 @ 4:59 pm· Filed by Geoffrey K. Pullum under Dialects, Gift ideas, Grammar, Humor, Intelligibility, Language and advertising, Language and business, Lost in translation, Orthography, Punctuation, Quizzes, Signs, Silliness, Translatese, Translation, WTF
A neighbor of mine, a respectable woman retired from medical practice, set a number of friends of hers a one-question quiz this week. The puzzle was to identify an item she recently purchased, based solely on what was stated on the tag attached to it. The tag said this (I reproduce it carefully, preserving the strange punctuation, line breaks, capitalization, and grammar, but replacing two searchable proper nouns by xxxxxxxx because they might provide clues):
ABOUT xxxxxxxx
He comfortable
He elastic
He quickly dry
He let you unfettered experience and indulgence. Please! Hurry up
No matter where you are. No matter what you do.
Let xxxxxxxx Change your life,
Become your friends, Partner,
Part of life
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August 25, 2015 @ 10:11 am· Filed by Barbara Partee under Announcements, Gift ideas
The LSA has recently established a new charitable contribution fund in memory of Emmon Bach (June 12, 1929 – November 28, 2014). The announcement, and a link for making donations (online or by mail) is here.
Quoting from the announcement page: This fund was established in consultation with Emmon’s families and close colleagues, and is to be used to support student fellowships at CoLang, the Institute for Collaborative Language Research. This will be the first named fellowship at CoLang; the founding donors are sure that Emmon would be pleased and honored to be helping to support the CoLang institutes, which offer an opportunity for practicing linguists, undergraduate and graduate students, and indigenous language community members to develop and refine skills and approaches to language documentation and revitalization.
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August 7, 2010 @ 9:47 am· Filed by Geoffrey K. Pullum under Gift ideas, Humor
According to Richard Lederer (Anguished English, 1989, p. 29), a lawyer in a courtroom once asked this question:
When he went, had you gone, and had she, if she wanted to and were able, for the time being excluding all the restraints on her not to go also, would he have brought you, meaning you and she, with him to the station?
And at that point the opposing attorney, a Mr. Brooks, rose to say:
Objection: That question should be taken out and shot.
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December 15, 2009 @ 1:50 pm· Filed by Mark Liberman under Gift ideas
Unlike Arnold, I was happy to see Chris's "Scooping Language Log" post. In the first place, it's a compliment that he thinks LL is some sort of standard to measure himself against, if only in temporal terms. And in the second place, it's a Good Thing for All of Us to have more people competing to note, link, and comment on language-related topics. So scoop away, say I.
December 7, 2009 @ 5:29 am· Filed by Geoffrey K. Pullum under Animal communication, Errors, Gift ideas, Language and technology, Linguistics in the news, Lost in translation, Phonetics and phonology, Silliness, Speech technology, Taboo vocabulary
Top story of the morning in the UK for the serious language scientist must surely be the report in The Sun concerning a children's toy mouse that is supposed to sing "Jingle bells, jingle bells" but instead sings "Pedophile, pedophile". Said one appalled mother who squeezed the mouse, "Luckily my children are too young to understand." The distributors, a company called Humatt, of Ferndown in Dorset, claims that the man in China who recorded the voice for the toy "could not pronounce certain sounds." And the singing that he recorded "was then speeded up to make it higher-pitched — distorting the result further." (A good MP3 of the result can be found here.) They have recalled the toy.
Shocked listeners to BBC Radio 4 this morning heard the presenters read this story out while collapsing with laughter. Language Log is not amused. If there was ever a more serious confluence of issues in speech technology, the Chinese language, freedom of speech, taboo language, and the protection of children, I don't know when.
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July 2, 2009 @ 8:09 pm· Filed by Chris Potts under Awesomeness, Books, Computational linguistics, Gift ideas, Language and technology, Resources
The NLTK book, Natural Language Processing with Python, went on sale yesterday:

"This book is here to help you get your job done." I love that line (from the preface). It captures the spirit of the book. Right from the start, readers/users get to do advanced things with large corpora, including information-rich visualizations and sophisticated theory implementation. If you've started to see that your research would benefit from some computational power, but you have limited (or no) programming experience, don't despair — install NLTK and its data sets (it's a snap), then work through this book.
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February 3, 2009 @ 11:40 pm· Filed by Geoff Nunberg under Gift ideas, Ignorance of linguistics
From NoGoodForMe, "your ultimate fashion mixtape":

December 11, 2008 @ 11:12 pm· Filed by Eric Baković under Announcements, Fieldwork, Gift ideas
Just in time for the holiday season: The Linguists educational DVD! According to the announcement on the LINGUIST List, it "includes 30 minutes of DVD extras profiling endangered languages around the world and efforts to archive and revive them; and a discussion guide created by Dr. K. David Harrison and the Center for Applied Linguistics."
The catch, of course, is that this DVD was produced for educational purposes, which somehow makes the price a whopping $300. But c'mon, you know you want one.