Archive for Lost in translation

How about some delicious roasted husband, dear?

From Anand Mahindra's Twitter account:

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"Do not accept Taiwan"

Sign at the high-end Chinese hotpot chain Haidilao:

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Explosive drinks

From Francis Miller in Xi'an, China:

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Chile has nuclear prunes

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Take Care To Fall Into Water

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Miscellaneous bacteria, part 2

From Diana S. Zhang, apropos of the recent post "Miscellaneous bacteria":

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Miscellaneous bacteria

Jeff DeMarco spotted this menu item at the Splendid China attraction in Shenzhen:

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Rude and unreasonable chicken

From June Teufel Dreyer:

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Please vomit here

Here we go again.  With the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics coming up, China aims to eliminate Chinglish, and all sorts of negative examples are adduced.  We've covered scores of them on Language Log, but here's one I hadn't seen before:

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China rules

For the last few weeks, the New York Times has been running a hyped-up, gushing series of lengthy articles under the rubric "China rules". On a special section in the paper edition for Sunday, November 25, they printed this gigantic headline in Chinese characters — and made a colossal mistake:

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Spring mud

Sign in a restroom at the Taipei Public Library:

biàn hòu suíshǒu chōng
chūnní liǎo wú hén


After relieving yourself, don't forget to flush,
So there will be nary a trace of "spring mud".

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Hanoi menu

Tweet by Dan Okrent:

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Speaking of Lou Dobbs…

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