Death knell for Cantonese
Article in South China Morning Post (12/18/21):
My Hong Kong by Luisa Tam
Cantonese is far from dead. It lags Mandarin in the Chinese language league table for numbers, but its cult status will see it live on
Cantonese is a one-of-a-kind linguistic art form that’s quirkier and more edgy than Mandarin, nimble and ever-changing
Its long-term fate is in the hands of every Cantonese speaker and Cantonese-language enthusiast who is willing to continue to breathe new life into it
In this, her most recent article on the nature and fate of Cantonese, Luisa Tam, a favorite author of ours here at Language Log, is upbeat about the future of the language. I love Cantonese as much as she / anyone does, but I am less sanguine about what lies ahead for it than Luisa is. As I said several days ago during a faculty meeting at Penn, there's no one who is more passionate about about defending and promoting Cantonese than VHM. Why, then, am I so pessimistic about what is in store for this lively language?
Before I answer that question, let's see why Luisa Tam is so positive about Cantonese in the coming years. Here are some selections from her article:
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