Does handwriting still matter?
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It's a subject that won't go away.
When I was in high school, I concocted an embarrassingly sophomoric signature:
I wrote that iteration of my youthful signature on the front flyleaf of my beloved Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary (1960), which, from that year till today has been one of my most precious possessions.
When I went away to college in 1961 and ever since, I adopted a signature that was the exact antithesis of that early one:
It was / is mechanical and measured, with no flourishes whatsoever.
Most people I know have one of three basic types of signatures:
1. extravagant, fast, illegible — these are usually "important" people who have to sign their signature scores of times each week; doctors; lawyers; executives; entertainers….
2. beautiful, well-composed, flowing, legible — my sisters, most women
3. crotched, cramped, crooked, angular, unesthetic, slow — my brothers and me, engineers, scientists, who write with what I call "chicken scratches"
The question of handwriting is more than just a matter of the appearance and propriety of one's signature. The cognitive and psychological implications of handwriting are plumbed in this new article by Christine Rosen:
"Signature moves: are we losing the ability to write by hand?"
We are far more likely to use our hands to type or swipe than pick up a pen. But in the process we are in danger of losing cognitive skills, sensory experience – and a connection to history", The Guardian (1/21/25).
Our mixed feelings about machine-made signatures make plain our broader relationship to handwriting: it offers a glimpse of individuality. Any time spent doing archival research is a humbling lesson in the challenges and rewards of deciphering the handwritten word. You come to know your long-dead subjects through the quirks of their handwriting; one man’s script becomes spidery and small when he writes something emotionally charged, while another’s pristine pages suggest the diligence of a medieval monk.
The Common Core State Standards for education in the US, which outline the skills students are expected to achieve at each grade level, no longer require students to learn cursive writing. Finland removed cursive writing from its schools in 2016, and Switzerland, among other countries, has also reduced instruction in cursive handwriting. One assessment claimed that more than 33% of students struggle to achieve competency in basic handwriting, meaning the ability to write legibly the letters of the alphabet (in both upper and lower case).
As a practical skill in the digital world, handwriting seems useless. There is a term in Chinese, tibiwangzi, which means “take pen, forget character”. It describes how more frequent use of computers and smartphones has discouraged the use of traditional Chinese handwriting, including the ability to write traditional characters. Chinese children pick up a pen to write (“take pen”) but experience a kind of “character amnesia” when it comes to putting pen to paper (“forget character”).
What does it mean to live without handwriting? The skill has deteriorated gradually, and many of us don’t notice our own loss until we’re asked to handwrite something and find ourselves bumbling as we put pen to paper. Some people still write in script for special occasions (a condolence letter, an elaborately calligraphed wedding invitation) or dash off a bastardised cursive on the rare occasions when they write a cheque, but apart from teachers, few people insist on a continued place for handwriting in everyday life.
But we lose something when handwriting disappears. We lose measurable cognitive skills, and we also lose the pleasure of using our hands and a writing implement in a process that for thousands of years has allowed humans to make our thoughts visible to one another. We lose the sensory experience of ink and paper and the visual pleasure of the handwritten word. We lose the ability to read the words of the dead.
In a general survey of the ramifications of handwriting in contemporary life, it's hard to avoid mentioning prescriptions dashed off by physicians.
In 2000, physicians at Cedars-Sinai hospital in Los Angeles took a remedial handwriting course. “Many of our physicians don’t write legibly,” the chief of the medical staff explained to Science Daily. And unlike many professions, doctors’ bad writing can have serious consequences, including medical errors and even death; a woman in Texas won a $450,000 award after her husband took the wrong prescription medicine and died. The pharmacist had misread the doctor’s poorly handwritten instructions. Even though many medical records are now stored on computers, physicians still spend a lot of their time writing notes on charts or writing prescriptions by hand.
In such circumstances, perhaps it might be better to require certain types of critical specialists not to write by hand.
Clarity in handwriting isn’t merely an aid to communication. In some significant way, writing by hand, unlike tracing a letter or typing it, primes the brain for learning to read. Psychologists Pam Mueller and Daniel Oppenheimer compared students taking class notes by hand or on a laptop computer to test whether the medium mattered for student performance. Earlier studies of laptop use in the classroom had focused on how distracting computer use was for students. Not surprisingly, the answer was very distracting, and not just for the notetaker but for nearby peers as well.
Mueller and Oppenheimer instead studied how laptop use affected the learning process for students who used them. They found that “even when laptops are used solely to take notes, they may still be impairing learning because their use results in shallower processing”. In three different experiments, their research concluded that students who used laptop computers performed worse on conceptual questions in comparison with students who took notes by hand. “Laptop note takers’ tendency to transcribe lectures verbatim rather than processing information and reframing it in their own words is detrimental to learning,” they wrote. In other words, we retain information better when we write by hand because the slower pace of writing forces us to summarise as we write, as opposed to the greater speed of transcribing on a keyboard.
The researchers studying how technology transforms the way we write and learn are akin to ecologists who warn of species decline or environmental pollution. We face a future without handwriting. Researchers worry that abandoning the pen for the keyboard will lead to any number of unforeseen negative consequences. “The digitisation of writing entails radical transformations of the very act of writing at a sensorimotor, physical level and the (potentially far-reaching) implications of such transformations are far from properly understood,” notes Anne Mangen, who studies how technology transforms literacy. Writing on a keyboard with the words appearing on the screen is more “abstract and detached”, something she believes has “far-reaching implications, educationally and practically”. Like species decline, skills decline gradually.
Rosen's article delves into many other — some quite unexpected — manifestations of personal, physical activity as compared to robotic, machine productions, from Montaigne's descriptions of flatulence to the mastery of an Austin, Texas bootmaker. For a newspaper article, this one (much abridged here) is extraordinarily long, complex, and meditative. It's no wonder that it is an edited extract from the author's book titled The Extinction of Experience: Reclaiming Our Humanity in a Digital World, published by the Bodley Head in 2024. I would suggest that an alternative title might be, following Epictetus (c. 50-135 AD), An Enchiridion* for the Contemporary World.
*The word "Enchiridion" (Ancient Greek: ἐγχειρίδιον) is an adjective meaning "in the hand" or "ready to hand". The word sometimes meant a handy sword, or dagger, but coupled with the word "book" (biblion, Greek: βιβλίον) it means a handy book or hand-book. Epictetus in the Discourses often speaks of principles which his pupils should have "ready to hand" (Greek: πρόχειρα). Common English translations of the title are Manual or Handbook
Epictetus' classic was published c. 125 AD.
Selected readings
- "A letter writer of / for the 20th and 21st century" (1/13/25)
- "The benefits of handwriting" (9/16/19)
- "Exercising the brain: handwriting vs. typing" (6/21/24)
- "Handwriting Shows Unexpected Benefits Over Typing", by Denis Storey, (1/30/24)
- "Writing characters and writing letters" (11/17/18)
- "The Miracle of Western Writing" (1/31/23)
- "Handwriting legibility" (10/19/15)
- "Cursive" (3/30/14)
- "Cursive and Characters: Dying Arts" (4/29/11)
- "'They're not learning how to write characters!'" (11/5/21) — with long bibliography
- "Cursive" (3/30/14)
- "Character Amnesia" (7/22/10) — (with 140 comments) Language Log has discussed "character amnesia" in many posts since I first invented the term sometime before 2010. A long, but not exhaustive, bibliography, may be found following this post:
- "Character amnesia yet again: game (almost) over" (4/28/22)
- "Dumpling ingredients and character amnesia" (10/18/14) — one of the classics
[h.t. Philip Taylor and Hu Jing]
Philip Taylor said,
January 28, 2025 @ 5:00 pm
What I find interesting about your two signatures, Victor, is that the first is flowing whilst the second appears to be formed of a number of distinct segments. Without wishing to pry, may I ask if you are aware of the reason for this, and if so, are you able and willing to disclose that reason ? For comparison, my own signature (which has been stable for at least 20 years) may be seen at
Yves Rehbein said,
January 28, 2025 @ 5:34 pm
the ductus changed but the letter shapes stayed mostly the same, e.g. the H bar struck from right to left, which has never occured to me. Only the V changed from rounded υ to a pointy Υ, that looks maybe due to the difference between ball pen and fineliner (the left end of the t bar looks like).
C Baker said,
January 28, 2025 @ 5:53 pm
“Laptop note takers’ tendency to transcribe lectures verbatim rather than processing information and reframing it in their own words is detrimental to learning,” they wrote. In other words, we retain information better when we write by hand because the slower pace of writing forces us to summarise as we write, as opposed to the greater speed of transcribing on a keyboard.
I received exactly no instruction on notetaking in school. It would've been useful, but as far as I knew the way to do it was to write it all down and then the way to study was to read it over and over again.
If we want students to develop notetaking and study skills, then we should actually teach them rather than assuming they'll figure it out on their own. And then we could tell them while teaching that they'll retain more if they don't try to simply write down every word. If you just trust the "slower pace of handwriting" to take the role of instruction in notetaking you'll lose some students anyway.
On a related note, if you want students to write in cursive, teach that first and teach print later. And if you want them to retain a handwriting habit at least through college then stop asking them to type up their essays until high school or later.
ohwilleke said,
January 28, 2025 @ 7:55 pm
"1. extravagant, fast, illegible — these are usually "important" people who have to sign their signature scores of times each week; doctors; lawyers; executives; entertainers…"
One other big aspect is the impact that writing on signature pads have had.
Kate Bunting said,
January 29, 2025 @ 3:49 am
When I was about 9, our class listened to a radio talk and then were asked to read out the notes we'd taken. When it was my turn, I was embarrassed because my notes were not in complete sentences – of course, it turned out that I had instinctively done it the right way!
Andreas Johansson said,
January 29, 2025 @ 6:55 am
My signature is firmly in the fast, illegible camp. I blame the time I lived in Germany and was routinely required to sign my moderately long name on narrow receipts in a hurry.
(An attempt to render my signature in ASCII art: Avd____ J_______)
My wife's signature is even less legible, but rather more calligraphic.
Mia Pralinen said,
January 29, 2025 @ 8:45 am
My signature is simple though, the name is recognizable, but my family name is not, so part legible and part not. And people knows its me, so I guess it works.
KeithB said,
January 29, 2025 @ 9:23 am
I blame college.
My handwriting was pretty good in High School, but all the note taking required for college classes really made me learn bad habits.
Also, I was a juror in a awesome Federal court case (Lesbian lovers that broke up! Small time actress! High end real estate with a house sold to Sylvester Stallone! Hospital deathbed beneficiary changes! Wastrel children sucking their mother dry!) that hinged on the signature on a form. Of course there were dueling expert witnesses. One of them had claimed that a signature on a search warrant was forged and did not belong to a particular judge. The judge confirmed that it was, indeed, their signature.
Simon said,
January 29, 2025 @ 9:29 am
UK academic here. My institution has a lot of handwritten exams and a seemingly constant gripe from colleagues is the quality of the handwriting in the exam books and how this shows that (pre-university) education is failing modern students.
During a clear-out of my in-law's house I came across a book of handwritten meeting notes from a Printing Chapel (a bit like a local union group) that covered the 1950's through to the early 1980's. Two things struck me: first meetings were no more interesting in the past and second the range of handwriting neatness was about the same as it is now.
All hugely unscientific and riddled with confirmation bias, but I do think that this nostalgia for excellent handwriting is based on a false memory of neat scripts
Barbara Phillips Long said,
January 29, 2025 @ 12:15 pm
1. Cursive: My opinions about handwriting have not really changed since I read an article in the 1960s in Time magazine about teaching “Italic” handwriting, which started teaching print letterforms and developing muscle memory, then allowing student to naturally develop ligatures that made the same muscle movement faster, resulting in a cursive form of Italic without the need to relearn letterforms or change muscle memory. By that time, I had stopped using cursive in school and was printing, but with some ligatures. I was also learning calligraphy in art class. My experience and the article convinced me that the “Italic” approach was best, but it never caught on in U.S. public schools.
2. Writing: Other articles about how writing by hand can reinforce retention and memorization has convinced me that writing still has an important place in the curriculum. I just don’t think the cursive style I was taught was important — handwriting styles have changed over the centuries and will undoubtedly continue to change. Giving students a few lessons about deciphering various kinds of historical handwriting styles may be quite useful, for instance, and such lessons can incorporate the study of numerous important historical documents, census records, or historically interesting private letters.
3. Muscles: People vary in their fine motor and large motor skills, and often women have better fine motor skills, which accounts for their more flowing signatures. Making students learn two sets of letterforms and pushing students with poor fine motor skills to develop two sets of muscle memory in order to write seems counterproductive to me now that students have so much more to learn by high school graduation than they did in the 1890s, the 1930s, or my high school days in the 1960s.
4. Signatures: My signature uses print letterforms that developed ligatures, and the result is a distinctive signature. It does not use the cursive writing that I was taught but abandoned.
John From Cincinnati said,
January 29, 2025 @ 7:36 pm
VHM had a related LL post back in 2022, here, filed under writing. I suggest that my comment there (2nd comment in the list) is relevant to the current post. I cited an article written by a former president of Harvard University. His seminar students could not read cursive in, for example Civil War source documents needed for their study.
Anthony said,
January 29, 2025 @ 9:36 pm
I am always surprised that there are no cursive forms for the digits. In my office I am often writing numbers under pressure of time, and I connect the digits. My 3 is completely illegible; the only requirement is that it not look like a 2 or a (barred) 7. Nobody reads the sheets I produce but me, luckily.
Philip Taylor said,
January 30, 2025 @ 6:29 am
You might want to look at, Anthony, which gives an excellent demonstration of why cursive digits are not a good idea …
Barbara Phillips Long said,
January 30, 2025 @ 4:15 pm
@ Anthony — Numbers are usually used to convey specific, accurate information. Historically, sloppy writing of digits enabled fraud — for instance, a clerk who handled money or inventories could read a 7 as a 1 and skim off 6 of whatever was being tallied as long as the auditors did not catch the error, if there were auditors. When I do genealogical research using old census records, sometimes the numbers can be hard to decipher, but having the correct year of birth or other information is important when verifying identities. Let's not make deciphering handwritten numbers more difficult.
Julian said,
January 30, 2025 @ 4:20 pm
"we retain information better when we write by hand because the slower pace of writing forces us to summarise as we write, as opposed to the greater speed of transcribing on a keyboard."
The limiting case is shorthand or stenography.
Write everything down to read later. If you get round to it.
KeithB said,
January 31, 2025 @ 8:56 am
Just came across an interesting passage in "The Secret Garden"
"…"Does tha' know how to print letters?"
"I know how to write, " Mary answered.
Martha shook her head.
"Our Dickon can only read printin' If tha' could print we could write a letter to him…"
"Then it was a serious piece of work to write to Dickon. Mary had been taught very little because here governesses had disliked her too much to stay with her. She could not spell particularly well but she sound she could print letters when she tried."
So, Mary was only taught cursive, but Dickon was only taught printing.