Archive for Linguistics in the comics

Historical speech styles

A recent Dinosaur Comics strip features T-Rex imitating (a certain kind of) speech style from the 1940s:

Mouseover title: "to t-rex's mind, and mine as well, all of the past takes place around the 1930s. well sure! and why not?"

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AI comic strip creation?

Today's Tank McNamara:

Of course the joke in this strip is the seven fingers on Tank's right hand, and the eight fingers on his left hand.

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Retraction Watch: Swamp Man Thing

A recent Dinosaur Comic features a passionate investigation into alleged philosophical plagiarism:

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"I don't think it exactly qualifies as language"

From 9 Chickweed Lane (4/28/23):


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LLMs in education: the historical view

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Digraphs in the gossip column

Today's xkcd — "Linguistics Gossip":

The mouseover title: "The E's wedding invitation definitely used the word LOVE more times than was strictly necessary."

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Data, information, knowledge, insight, wisdom, and Conspiracy Theory, part 2

From Phillip Remaker:

The one that claimed authorship clipped the edge of the unicorn tail.

The only version I have found that doesn't clip the edge of the unicorn tail is this one from farhan
I don't know if that means I found the original or if the author touched it up. The page is not archived on the Internet Archive.
It seems consistent with his other art.

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Thrilling linguistics?

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Linguistic Laws

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Named anatomy

Today's xkcd:

Mouseover title: "If an anatomical structure is named for a person, it means they were the only person to have it. Pierre Paul Broca had a special area of his brain that created powerful magnetic fields, enabling him to do 19th century fMRI research."

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It's "Hammie", not "Ammie"

"Baby Blues" by Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott for January 16, 2023:


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Social media substitutions

Brian McFadden's recent comic on "Social Media Substitutes" starts with this panel:

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