Civilized dog
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The large characters say:
wénmíng yǎng gǒu
"raise [your] dog [in a] civilized [manner]
This one is difficult for the machine translators to deal with.
The fine print says:
qǐng jíshí qīnglǐ chǒngwù páixiè wù
"Please clean up your pet's excrement promptly"
The machine translators do a credible job with this one.
We've had countless variations on "civilization" + "urination / defecation" in the China department of Language Log. See "Selected readings" for a bare sample.
Selected readings
- "Be civilized when you urinate" (7/22/23) — with extensive bibliography (see especially the last comment of the last item, which never ends), the famous "Toilet Revolution!!" (11/26/17) — Xi Jinping's pet project
- "Please micturate in the urinal" (4/19/15)
- "No shitting here" (10/10/15)
- "Scoop the poop" (4/15/15)
- "Mandarin morphosyllabic annotation of a Taiwanese sign" (5/13/19)
Of the numberless relevant posts, these are just a few of my favorites.
Eugene N. Anderson said,
January 4, 2025 @ 3:14 pm
My dogs are thoroughly civilized. And, etymologically, they are patterned brightly.
David Marjanović said,
January 5, 2025 @ 8:42 am
I first thought this could be like the following I've seen:
ale ma słabe nerwy
but he has weak nerves"
chris said,
January 8, 2025 @ 5:11 pm
Aren't all dogs civilized, because if they weren't, they would be wolves?
Philip Taylor said,
January 14, 2025 @ 4:13 am
I think you should ask that question of a sheep farmer who has had one or more of his flock savaged by an allegedly civilised dog … Not for nothing are sheep farmers are legally entitled to shoot any unleashed dog that is endangering their sheep. Don't get me wrong, I love dogs, but I have seen what they can do when improperly controlled.