Explosion Cheese Durian Pie

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From Fuchsia Dunlop’s Facebook page (taken in Xi'an):

The large characters on the yellow sign say:

Māo shū | bàojiāng zhīshì liúlián [ bǐng]


"Uncle Cat | liquidy cheese durian [pie]"

The difficult part of this pastry name is "bàojiāng 爆浆", the constituent syllables of which mean "explode / burst" and "thick liquid".

Detailed explanation from Diana S. Zhang:

"爆漿xxx" (xxx = specific food) originally signifies desserts with molten cores, like a chocolate lava cake or a molten cheese tart. In this case, it is a durian pie with molten cheese as its filling. The name "爆漿" (liquid exploding) intends to give its customer a direct description of how this durian dessert's liquid center "explodes" in their mouth. Gradually, 爆漿 can be applied to any succulent foods, not limited to desserts: e.g., "爆漿珍珠" (liquid-filled bobba in milk tea); "爆漿雞排" (extremely succulent chicken tenderloin), and 爆漿西紅柿 (juicy tomato — imagine its juice flying out the moment you take your first bite on it).

I suddenly remembered there is another extended use of 爆漿: a kind of web fiction is called 爆漿糖小說 (lit. juice-exploding candy novel)…… well, without too explicit a further explanation, I believe one may get a sense of which genre it belongs to and why such a topic/genre is named so (vulgar, yes…). It's not a widely-used name yet (maybe because of its nature), but since I know some coteries of web-fiction authors in person, it's kind of like a jargon among them and their fanatical fans.

Here are some pictures if you want to see what they look like.

Selected reading

"Malaysian Multilingualism" (9/11/09) — several other posts touch upon the infamously foul-smelling fruit called "durian".

"Meat patty explode the stomach" (12/28/11)

"Bakugai ('explosive buying'): Japanese word of the year nominee" (11/14/15)

"Naked dough" (5/22/14)

"Buckwheat noodles enema and other delectables" (10/28/13)

"Chinglish medley " (2/9/16)

"Kim Possible Taste " (1/24/11)

"Just what they DIDN'T want " (9/22/08)


  1. Adam F said,

    September 24, 2019 @ 3:53 am

    Similarly, there are desserts called "bombes" in French and English:
    Escoffier gives over sixty recipes for bombes in Le Guide culinaire.

  2. ohwilleke said,

    September 28, 2019 @ 6:38 am

    Looking at the images it looks like an Asian quesadilla.

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