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Today's little amuse-bouche

Here at Language Log, we don't just sit around unravelling the mysteries of by-topicalization, stress-timing, resumptive pronouns, and the like. We have our playful sides: cartoons, "lost in translation" examples, Cupertinos, fun with taboo avoidance. Here's today's little amuse-bouche (or, if you prefer, amuse-gueule), which came to me originally on a card from a friend: […]

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Latest stock market casualty: consumer dictionary companies?

A recent Associated Press wire story about the declining stock market contained an optimistic note from Phil Orlando, chief equity market strategist at Federated Investors. Orlando says the market is in decent shape, with two exceptions: "Our view has been that the market, generally speaking, is in pretty good shape with the exception of the […]

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Invoking childhood

From The Unspeakable Vault (of Doom), a warning about using spellcheckers when summoning Elder Gods…

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