Civilized urinating

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Is this Chinglish?

Source:  "Lost in translation: Chinese government aims to reduce awkward English signs" (CBS News [10/28/17]), with several other prime examples.
The Chinese on the sign says:

wénmíng fāngbiàn 文明方便 ("civilized convenience")

qīngxīn zìrán 清新自然 ("fresh and natural")

We've previously encountered wénmíng 文明 on an airport sign in "Delayed due to some reasons: annals of airport Chinglish, part 4" (3/20/2013), with wénmíng jīchǎng 文明机场 translated as "civilized airport". 

I described this type of sign as "un-Chinglish": "Technically, their 'lost' quality is due not to mistranslation but to unfamiliarity with the sociocultural expectations of the circumstances in which they are found."

We've had a long-running series of posts on fāngbiàn 方便 ("convenience") as a polite reference to "number one" and "number two".  Here's an incomplete list:

[h.t. John Rohsenow]

1 Comment

  1. SlideSF said,

    November 1, 2017 @ 12:15 pm

    Though I have no idea what the Chinese says, the English seems perfectly fine and comprehensible to me. Pee inside like a civilized person, not on the street. If you need fresh air, you can have all you want after you pee.

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