Whole heartily
Rod Dreher, 'The Coming Methodist Schism", 3/11/2014, quoting an anonymous Methodist pastor:
One of my more moderate theology professors once told me that you could take the platform of the Democrat Party, take out the Party name and replace it with God and the UMC and most all of the faculty, staff, administration, and student body would whole heartily support it.
A literal global replacement of "Democrat(s)" with "God and the UMC" in the 2012 Democratic Party platform produces somewhat bizarre results — the first sentence becomes (with the replacement-site in bold face)
Four years ago, God and the UMC, independents, and many Republicans came together as Americans to move our country forward.
And the third paragraph (with pluralization to preserve grammaticality) starts
We Gods and the UMC offer America the opportunity to move our country forward by creating an economy built to last and built from the middle out.
But anyhow, the reason that Kim Temple sent me a link to Mr. Dreher's article was not to give me this opportunity for substitutional humor, but rather to point out the charming eggcornish blend "whole heartily".
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