Mike Johnson blesses MTG

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From The Hill on Xitter — Mike Johnson on Marjorie Taylor Greene:

Host: Marjorie Taylor Greene.
Johnson: Mmhmm.
Host: No fan of yours.
Johnson: Bless her heart. Bless her heart.
Host: Is she a serious lawmaker?
Johnson: I don't think she's proving to be. No. I don't spend a lot of time thinking about her. I’ve gotta do my job.

For lexicographical background, see "'Bless your heart'", 4/1/2016.



  1. Garrett Riggs said,

    May 4, 2024 @ 1:26 pm

    I looked back at the comments to Mark’s original post in 2016. I grew up in the south and agree there are (at least) two senses of “bless your heart.” As used by Johnson above it is, indeed, a put down. But it can also be a genuine indicator of sympathy or commiseration, especially when used face to face.

    Sympathy (direct)
    “My mom died, the bills are overwhelming, and I may lose my job.”
    “Bless your heart you poor thing!”

    Sympathy (indirect)
    “Did you hear Bob’s wife left and took the kids?”
    “Oh how terrible! Bless his heart.”

    Mild derision or sympathy (direct or indirect)
    “Bob’s wife left him and took the kids because he’s gambling and drinking again.”
    “Well, he won’t get her back acting like that, bless his heart.”

    Major derision, especially of a known scoundrel or someone widely disliked: see Johnson, above.

  2. Olaf Zimmermann said,

    May 5, 2024 @ 6:15 am

    I'm only familiar with "bless my heart" and "bless your cotton socks" but then again, I always reserve the right to have missed out on something.

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