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"PCST 2020 + 1 Conference content now available open access", 8/2/2021:

PCST are excited to announce that from today all the presentations recorded at PCST2020 + 1 are now available open access. […]

The conference themes were Time, Technology and Transformation

To access the video content please visit the conference platform.

We wish to thank the Kavli Foundation for making this possible.
The videos and content will be available until May 2022.

I learned about this development from another participant in a (virtual) meeting of the AAAS "Committee on Science and Technology Engagement with the Public", where I suggesting offering public internet access to recordings of the symposia organized at AAAS meetings.

This was an idea that I promoted unsuccessfully a decade ago, but perhaps its time has come. Another current example: Last week I participated in an ACL Workshop on "Benchmarking: Past, Present and Future" — registration was required for the live sessions, but slides and videos have been posted on line.

Some relevant past posts:

"Reproducible Science at AAAS 2011", 2/18/2011
"Linguistics and Language Science at AAAS 2012", 12/9/2011
"Crossing the Digital Divide", 2/17/2012
"Autism in the AAAS", 2/18/2012
"Ayiti Pare", 5/2/2013



  1. Dan Romer said,

    August 7, 2021 @ 10:25 am

    Nice to see this, Mark. And to know that advocacy sometimes works even if it takes a decade!

    [(myl) It's definitely an idea whose time has come. But I should be clear, that AAAS committee has not yet delivered a recommendation to the organization's leadership, and the leadership's response is by no means guaranteed. It wouldn't surprise me if it takes another decade for them to open up the Annual Meeting's symposia.]

  2. Garrett Wollman said,

    August 7, 2021 @ 6:02 pm

    The Usenix Association has been a long-time leader in this, I think may even be the first professional society to commit to full public access for all conference proceedings and plenaries, at a time when other societies in the same field (ACM and IEEE) were deeply committed to their role as journal publishers that happen to sponsor academic conferences as a sideline. But it was an easier choice for Usenix because its income comes from corporate sponsorships and individual memberships, not academic journals. For a society that depends on a paywall to drive subscriptions to its publications, that's a tough sell.

  3. Tony Thomas said,

    August 9, 2021 @ 9:29 am

    public internet access to recordings of the symposia organized at AAAS meetings is a nice proposal, because more people can get the news and what discussion was done at this conference.

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