Dictional levels for "again" in Chinese

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This is a follow-up to "Again and again " (3/20/16), in which we looked at two different Mandarin words for "again", yòu 又 and zài 再, both of which are very common in the language, but which are used in different ways.

A commenter, Nathan, asked:

So if yòu 又 is associated more with the past and unwanted things, and zài 再 more with the future and wanted things, how do you say something future and unwanted –- "Never do that again!"?

I thought that was a good question, so I asked a number of my students and colleagues who are native speakers how they would say it, and was astonished at the wild variety of answers I received.

The first two to reply (both from the PRC [one from Hunan and one from Heilongjiang]) — independently and within ten seconds of each other — said something I never would have dreamed of in this context, though I knew what it meant:

xiàbùwéilì 下不为例 (lit., "next [time] not do [same] instance / example / precedent")

Since that's a literary set phrase, I asked them if they would say this to a child, to an illiterate farmer, or to a pet, and they both insisted that they would.  That just boggles my mind.  How could a little child know literary language?  It would be like speaking Latin to an illiterate peasant or worker, young children, and your dog or cat.

I should mention that these first two individuals to reply to my question are both educated Ph.D. candidates in Chinese literature and history, so this sort of language may seem natural to them.

After further questioning, one of them reluctantly relented and said that he might say "méiyǒu xià yīcì 没有下一次" ("there's no next time") to a child.  Although that is basically Mandarin in its grammar and diction, it's not something I would normally think of as an adequate rendering of "Never do that again!".

The next respondent was a Mandarin teacher from Taiwan with long experience in America.  What he suggested also stunned me, though not so much as what the first two respondents said:

"qiè wù zài fàn 切勿再犯" ("definitely do not repeat the [same] offense / do NOT commit the [same mistake] again")

This too is distinctly on the literary side.  The person who suggested it volunteered this defense:

It may sound a bit formal, but given that the speaker wanted the listener to "never do that again!" I think it's fine to use more formal language.

When I asked him again if he would say this to a child, an illiterate farmer, or a pet, he relented somewhat:

Or, one can say, "jué bù zhǔn zài fàn! 绝不准再犯!" ("definitely not permitted / allowed to repeat the offense") which is more colloquial. To little kids, I'd probably say, "juéduì bù kěyǐ zài zhèyàng zuò! 绝对不可以再这样做!" ("definitely cannot do like this again!").

Note that the second version here is similar to the first version, but that the literary intensifier and negative are replaced by a Mandarin intensifier, negative, and verb, though the last two characters are not changed, since they can be used both in literary and in Mandarin registers.  The third version is completely, purely, and plainly Mandarin, and anyone who is a native speaker of Mandarin who knows how to talk in whole sentences would be able to fully apprehend the meaning of the sentence, even if they are illiterate.

It is interesting that the purely literary formulations — xiàbùwéilì 下不为例 and qiè wù zài fàn 切勿再犯 — are only four characters long, whereas the mixed version is five characters long, and the wholly vernacular Mandarin version is nine characters long.

Now we get to the native Beijingers.  The first is a highly qualified teacher of Mandarin.  She states:

Too many ways to say, depending on the status of the speaker to the listener and how angry the speaker is. Here are some options:

bùxǔ zhèyàng zuòle! 不许这样做了! ("[you're] no longer permitted to do / behave like this!")

zài yě bùyào zhèyàng zuòle! 再也不要这样做了! ("never do / behave like this again!")

nǐ zài zhèyàng wǒ jiù dǎ duàn nǐ de tuǐ! 你再这样我就打断你的腿! ("if you're like this again, I'll break your legs!" (very typical in Chinese families)

Cultural difference plays an important role in this case."Never do that again" sounds very powerful in English, but in Chinese, a threatening "nǐ zài zhèyàng wǒ jiù… 你再这样我就…" ("if you're like this again, I'll…") sounds more powerful.

Note that all three versions of this respondent from Beijing are pure Mandarin.

Another Beijinger born and bred who is an Egyptologist offers these three versions:

zài yě bùyào nàme zuòle 再也不要那么做了 ("never do / behave that way again!")

zài yě bié nàme gànle 再也别那么干了 ("never do / behave that way again!")

yǒngyuǎn bùyào zài nàme zuòle 永远不要再那么做了 ("never do / behave that way again!")

Once again (!), all three versions of this native Beijinger are pure Mandarin.  Another thing to note is that five of the six versions by the native Beijingers use the "change of state 'le 了' ['the situation is such that now {you can no longer / you are no longer permitted to…}]), and even in the sixth version the use of the conjunction jiù 就 ("then") to a certain degree conveys the notion of a changed state.  Conversely, none of the above non-Beijingers use "change of state 'le 了'" in any of their sentences.

Late addition from a professor of Chinese language and linguistics (not sure, but I think he is from Beijing):

(qiānwàn) bié zài zuò (nàgè) (千万)别再做(那个) ("[for sure] don't do [that] again")

Pure vernacular Mandarin.

An M.A. candidate in Chinese literature who was born in Sichuan, but moved with her family to live in Suzhou, Jiangsu at the age of six, then went to college as an English major in Nanjing, wrote in:

xiàbùwéilì 下不为例 (lit., "next [time] not do [same] instance / example / precedent") sounds best to me

Back to the literary register again!  When I asked her the same questions I asked the first three respondents who also sent in literary renditions of "Never do that again!" (viz., would you use this with a little child, an illiterate farmer, or a pet?), this respondent said:

I can't think of something very idiomatic in this sense, but I would simply say "bié zài zhèyàng zuòle! 别再这样做了! ("never do / behave this way again!").

Three things to note here.  First, she was searching for an "idiomatic" way to say in Chinese the equivalent of "Never do that again!", which she must have sensed was idiomatic in English.  Second, what she finally forces herself to say is pure Mandarin.  Third, like the native Beijingers, she uses the "change of state 'le 了'" at the end of her sentence.

The upshot of all this is that, in terms of geographical disposition, there is a broad range of modes and styles for the expression of what is ostensibly the same idea, with individuals from the Mandarin heartland adhering most closely to vernacular expression, while those from more distant areas — though they still believe that they are speaking Mandarin — tend to adopt more literary styles from the Mandarin spectrum.  This, of course, is not to mention the huge diversity of non-Mandarin types of spoken Sinitic.

[Thanks to Maiheng Dietrich, Zhao Lu, Zheng-sheng Zhang, Fangyi Cheng, Rebecca Fu, Melvin Lee, Jiajia Wang, Xiuyuan Mi, and Yixue Yang]


  1. Eidolon said,

    March 21, 2016 @ 9:02 pm

    The simpler explanation might be the fact that the three respondents who said 下不为例 were all *literature* majors – the first two being Ph. D. candidates in Chinese literature, and the last being a M.A. in Chinese literature. The other respondents were all language teachers/professors, which would make them less exposed to a literary phrase such as 下不为例 and more exposed to vernacular varieties of Sinitic, such as plain everyday Mandarin.

  2. kktkkr said,

    March 21, 2016 @ 9:13 pm

    It appears, given the above examples, that translations of "not again" cannot use 又. This makes sense given the context and the mentioned past/future distinction, but is it then true in general that 又 cannot be negated?

  3. liuyao said,

    March 21, 2016 @ 9:32 pm

    As a native Beijinger (and not a literature major) I too would say something like 下不为例! or (less forceful) 下不为例了啊!Many idiomatic phrases do sound very literary, but given the context and the tone in which it is said, a child should not have too much trouble understanding it, even though he probably couldn't say what the individual words mean. Another example is 好自为之, and I'd say eight out of ten people wouldn't be able to explain how the four simple words come together to mean what it means. It's hard to give an analogous phenomenon in English, but it's not anywhere close to speaking Latin.

    I suppose many idiomatic set phrases which don't involve allusions (such as those used in news on TV or radio) can be safely regarded as part of modern standard Mandarin, if not for other topolects. A quick google search should indicate if a phrase is widely used instead of being purely literary.

    On a related note, what appears to be literary/colloquial does very much depend on the region one is from. An interesting example is dorm, and I think it'd be fun to ask your Chinese-speaking respondants. In Beijing we'd say 宿舍, but I've heard many from southern China call it 寝室 (pronounced in Mandarin). I always found that too formal. I wonder if they'd think the same for 宿舍. I also noted other examples (that I can't recall) which sound very informal (especially if said in non-standard Mandarin), but once written they strike me as quite formal or even literary. It comes down to familiarity after all.

  4. liuyao said,

    March 21, 2016 @ 11:15 pm

    One analogy would be Latin-based English words that, if pressed you'd correctly identify all the roots, but together they'd still fall short of its common usage in English. I was reminded of the word correspondence, which probably is not the best example.

  5. Michael Watts said,

    March 22, 2016 @ 1:34 am


    It appears, given the above examples, that translations of "not again" cannot use 又. This makes sense given the context and the mentioned past/future distinction

    I agree, this makes sense.

    but is it then true in general that 又 cannot be negated?

    Probably, but none of these sentences involve 再 being negated either, so I'm not sure where that conclusion is coming from or what analogy is being drawn. You might interpret the saying 青春不再 ("youth doesn't come back") as involving a negated 再.

  6. Michael Watts said,

    March 22, 2016 @ 1:46 am

    Searching baidu for 没有又 yields the sentence 我遇见了所有的不平凡,却没有又遇见你。

    So it's certainly possible for 又 to appear in a negative-polarity sentence.

  7. Victor Mair said,

    March 22, 2016 @ 7:25 am

    From a born and bred Beijinger with a Ph.D. in modern Chinese literature and long experience teaching Mandarin in America (she offers four possible versions):


    1. qǐng bùyào zài zuò zhè zhǒng shì 请不要再做这种事 ("please don't do this kind of thing again")

    2. yǐhòu bùxǔ zhèyàngle 以后不许这样了 ("later on it's not permitted [to be / do] like this")

    3. yǐhòu bié zhème zuò 以后别这么做 ("later on don't do like this")

    4. … xiàbùwéilì …下不为例 (lit., "next [time] not do [same] instance / example / precedent")



    1. this respondent comes from a family that is truly distinguished in modern Chinese literature

    2. she is an extremely polite person

    3. the first three versions are pure Mandarin vernacular

    4. in the first three versions, she conveys the notion of "again" in several interesting ways:

    a. explicitly with zài 再 in #1

    b. with yǐhòu 以后 ("later on") in #2 and #3

    c. with the sentence final particle -le 了 in #2

    5. I suppose that she included #4 to show that she is learned, and that she certainly is

  8. Victor Mair said,

    March 22, 2016 @ 8:03 am

    From a born and bred Beijinger with deep roots in old Peking, who has a Ph.D. in early Chinese thought, and who is able to speak authentic Pekingese colloquial:

    bié zài zhèmó zuòle 別再這麽做了! ("do not do like this again!")


    1. he said, "it took me a second to come up with it"

    2. it's pure Mandarin vernacular

    3. the notion of "again" comes directly from zài 再 and is reinforced by the sentence final particle -le 了

  9. languagehat said,

    March 22, 2016 @ 9:04 am

    I suppose many idiomatic set phrases which don't involve allusions (such as those used in news on TV or radio) can be safely regarded as part of modern standard Mandarin, if not for other topolects.

    Yes, I was surprised at the idea that a four-character expression could be regarded as some sort of recherché item unavailable to the speaker without a graduate degree; I didn't get very far learning Chinese when I was in Taiwan, but even I picked up several of these as part of everyday speech. I have no idea how widespread 下不为例 might be, but the mere fact that it's a "literary set phrase" doesn't disqualify it.

  10. languagehat said,

    March 22, 2016 @ 9:06 am

    Also, just to point out the obvious (in terms of the question that set off the post): almost all the responses used zài 再; none of them used yòu 又.

  11. Victor Mair said,

    March 22, 2016 @ 9:53 am

    I followed up the previous comment by asking the last Beijinger commenter (3/22/16/8:03 a.m.) these questions about xiàbùwéilìle'a 下不为例了啊 (lit., "next [time] not do [same] instance / example / precedent" + two final particles):

    1. Is that sayable in Mandarin?

    2. If not, why not?

    3. If so, what is the nuance / purpose of -了啊 at the end?

    4. Is it common?

    5. Would you ever say it?

    Here is his reply. Please note that, because there is so much quoted Chinese in this paragraph and because we have already encountered many of the key elements above, I am not going to provide pinyin for all the characters as I usually do on Language Log.


    I am not sure whether that is Mandarin because of -了啊 (or probably more precisely, the use of 啊 here), I would say that this is a dialect usage, such as in Peking dialect, and it gives me the connotation of emphasis and notification. Personally, I would say sentences like 我吃了啊, in order to warn the other people that I am about to start eating. As for 下不为例了啊 specifically, I find it a bit strange because of the 了 there. I would say 下不爲例啊 instead. I think this might have something to do with the fact that many imperative sentences do not have 了: 把電視關掉 vs 把電視關掉啊; 出來 vs. 出來啊, but 別鬧了 vs 別閙了啊. Anyway, I would certainly say 下不爲例啊.


  12. JS said,

    March 22, 2016 @ 10:38 am

    Nice observation that you4 is rarely negated; this is consistent with the fact that it's at home in perfective-type environments — unambiguously grammatical negations I can think of include at least anticipatory rhetorical-ish questions like 不会又是X…(?) 别又是X…(?) 'surely/hopefully it's not the case that X again(?)'. As for Michael Watts' 没有又遇见你 it seems clear (to me…) that 没有再遇见你 is the typical way to say 'I didn't meet you again'; the former seems (to me…) to mean 'I didn't meet you on top of all that other stuff' with reference to the earlier clause, but native speakers will have to weigh in…

  13. Victor Mair said,

    March 22, 2016 @ 2:55 pm

    I received the following two remarkably similar comments about xiàbùwéilìle'a 下不为例了啊 (lit., "next [time] not do [same] instance / example / precedent" + two final particles) within one minute of each other. They come independently from non-Beijing speakers of Mandarin in their 20s, the first a male who is a Ph.D. candidate from Hunan, but spent six years in Beijing in college and graduate school, the second a female who is an M.A. candidate in Chinese literature from Sichuan and Suzhou, Jiangsu, but spent four years in college in Nanjing:



    Yes, it is definitely sayable in Mandarin. "了啊" makes the sentence easier to be accepted by the listener. If you only say "下不为例," it will be in a very serious conversation. I think the sentence "下不为例了啊" is common.

    It's quite a common usage in Mandarin. "了啊", with no practical meanings, is added to soften or neutralize the tension created by "下不为例", since the set phrase when used alone is like a order or command. It hurts feelings a lot.


    Judging from these two comments, xiàbùwéilì 下不为例 (lit., "next [time] not do [same] instance / example / precedent") has become a stern injunction and needs to be toned down by colloquial particles if one wants to be careful about not hurting others' feelings. But I will have more to say about this in later comments.

  14. Victor Mair said,

    March 22, 2016 @ 2:57 pm

    From a native Beijinger who went to one of the best high schools in Beijing, then studied English literature in an American college (so has excellent English), and is now an M.A. candidate in Chinese literature (pinyin and English translations provided by VHM):


    Well, it really depends on the context. Perhaps: zài bié gàn zhè shìr le 再別幹這事兒了 ("don't do this [sort of] thing again")

    zài bié zhèyàng le 再別這樣了 ("don't [be / do / behave] like this again")

    or something of that sort.

    I would never ever translate "never" as yǒngyuǎn 永遠 ("forever; always; eternal" with a negative) in a colloquial conversation.


    Pure Mandarin.


    1. first appearance of the Pekingese retroflex -r

    2. use of final particle -le 了 to reinforce zài 再 in both versions

  15. Victor Mair said,

    March 22, 2016 @ 3:23 pm

    In the second comment above this one, I had indicated that xiàbùwéilì 下不为例 (lit., "next [time] not do [same] instance / example / precedent") has become a stern injunction, but indicated that I would problematize this. Here's the first installment; it comes from Timothy Clifford:


    I searched around a bit, and while I couldn't find much on 下不爲例, the phrase 後不爲例 is a common set phrase in the Ming Veritable Records 明實錄, with 120 occurrences. Usually it comes after an imperial pronouncement to indicate that a certain exception did not subsequently become general practice. Here's a passage where the Yongle emperor decides to grant an especially high number of examinees the jinshi degree:

    己酉 禮部奏請會試選士之數 上問洪武中所選幾何尚書李志剛對曰各科不同多者四百七十餘人少者三十人 上曰朕即位初取士姑準其多者後不為例

    Shen Defu is using it in the same way: the emperor makes an exception and grants Madam Zhao's request for her grandson to inherit her son's title of nobility, though here the phrase is coming from the emperor's own mouth:


    The phrase also occurs 25 times in the imperial edicts collected in the 皇明詔制. Both there and in the Veritable Records, the phrase seems to have served as administrative or historiographical shorthand. The source of the Shen Defu passage, his 萬曆野獲編, is also an unofficial history 野史: http://www.chinaknowledge.de/Literature/Historiography/wanliyehuobian.html. Maybe the emperor's saying 後不為例 and meaning "just this once" in the Shen Defu passage would have sounded humorous to historical readers.


    More to come.

  16. JS said,

    March 22, 2016 @ 4:12 pm

    Plus 下不为例 is often used to apologize — "Sorry, I won't let it happen again."

  17. Victor Mair said,

    March 22, 2016 @ 4:35 pm

    Just before posting this comment, I noticed that JS has added a valuable remark that complements what I'm about to say.

    As the Baidu link in the original post indicated, the expression xiàbùwéilì 下不为例 (lit., "next [time] not do / take as [same] instance / example / precedent") supposedly can be traced back to the late Ming writer, Shen Defu 沈德符 (1578-1642), about whom not much is known.

    Note, however, that the actual wording was hòu bù wéi lì 後不為例 ("later, this should not be taken as a precedent"), that the emperor (who spoke these words) meant that he was making an exception, and that it is not an injunction or warning.

    Here are some additional notes from Zhenzhen Lu, who is a specialist on late Ming-early Qing vernacular and colloquial literature:


    Shen Defu comes up a lot in the secondary literature (usually citing the Wanli yehuo bian for this or that) but I must admit knowing very little about him. I have wondered about the provenance of books like the Yehuo bian (from the brief description on the Baidu page it seems really a compilation made in the Qing). I remember from looking at late Ming biji [VHM: notebooks] and other texts that already at that time there were many literary set phrases that also were used in colloquial expression – I wonder if 下不为例 would be one of them, though as you suggest it doesn't quite seem to have its present meaning from the Wanli yehuo bian excerpt….


    I suspect that the transformation of hòu bù wéi lì 後不為例 ("later, this should not be taken as a precedent") into xiàbùwéilì 下不为例 as an injunction or warning, "Never do that again!", is a fairly recent development.

  18. Michael Watts said,

    March 22, 2016 @ 7:19 pm


    Surely, in 不会又是X… , 会 is being negated rather than 又? I don't think 又 or 再 can be negated in the natural course of things.

  19. JS said,

    March 22, 2016 @ 8:12 pm

    @Michael Watts
    "Negate" was used upthread as shorthand for "appear in a negated verb phrase" / "appear in negative-polarity contexts" which is obviously possible with 再 but it seems (as kktkkr pointed out) generally not with 又… I presented some clear counterexamples above, and there must be more, but they are of the exception-that-proves-the-rule type.

    (For 再 we have not only 别再, 在也别 'don't… again' but also of course 不再, 再(也)不 'not…again' 'never… again', etc.)

  20. JS said,

    March 22, 2016 @ 8:13 pm


  21. Victor Mair said,

    March 22, 2016 @ 11:43 pm

    Definitions of xiàbùwéilì 下不为例 (lit., "next [time] not do / take as [same] instance / example / precedent"):

    zdic — "not to be taken as a precedent; not to be repeated"

    ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary — "not to be repeated or serve as a precedent"

    Wiktionary — see the Russian translations at the bottom right of the page

  22. liuyao said,

    March 23, 2016 @ 9:41 am

    I'm now feeling that this new meaning and its usage in colloquial speech might be restricted to the mainland. Given that Mandarin speakers from different regions are familiar with the expression, it may have been popularized by modern literature, or audio media such as cross-talk (xiàngshēng) comedy. It wouldn't surprise me if Lu Xun wrote about the Chinese habit of making exceptions and pretending never to repeat it, and it gets used in a somewhat different scenario.

    I asked my aunt (also with deep roots in Old Peking, and a life-long secondary school teacher of Chinese), but she couldn't identify how it came into common use, only that when she was young (1940s) people already spoke it.

  23. Victor Mair said,

    March 23, 2016 @ 12:38 pm

    From an M.A. student in Chinese Studies who was born and grew up in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province:

    bùyào zài zuò yīcì 不要再做一次 (lit., "don't do it again one time")

    From a professor of Chinese language and literature who was born and grew up in Hangzhou (with his own translations and explanations):

    bié zài gànle! 别再干了! (Emphasizing "No more next time!")

    zài bié gànle! 再别干了!(Emphasizing "Don't repeat it!" With the character 再 stressed, this is an emphatic structure.)

  24. E-Ping Rau said,

    March 24, 2016 @ 12:56 am

    As a native Mandarin speaker in Taiwan, I would say:
    (búyào*/bié zài zhèyàng/nàyàng** zuò le/lo/la***)

    *Commonly heard as "biào" in colloquial speech
    **Commonly shortened to "jiàng/niàng" in colloquial speech
    ***They convey different attitudes. "le" is a more neutral, formal, stern statement; "lo" is somewhat soft and affectionate, spoken as a kind reminder; "la" expresses annoyance or exasperation. We often use "le la" together as well.

    I could also add the adverbs "千萬 qiānwàn" or "絕對 jyuéduì" in front of the sentence to emphasize "never", or add "下次 xiàcì" or "以後 yǐhòu" to emphasize "again" (even though they literally mean "next time" and "in the future" respectively).

    "不淮" is also commonly used, but in fairly specific situations where you actually have some power/control over the person you're speaking to (or if you try to pretend to have that power/control).

    "下不為例" or "切勿再犯" are both perfectly understandable to educated people, but they sound quite…dramatic. I could see myself using the former even with friends (probably add an "o+" at the end to lighten up the mood), but I would probably very rarely find myself using the second.

    Incidentally, "不要再做一次" and "我遇见了所有的不平凡,却没有又遇见你" sound very unnatural/ungrammatical to my ear. I can't think of an instance where one would negative "又 yòu" either.

    Side note: coming from my personal observation, while the final particles in Mandarin are often described as having "neutral tones", I find that at least in Taiwanese Mandarin they come in pairs carrying either a high tone or a low tone, usually with distinct function and meaning. In the example above ,it'd be "le1" (low tone), "lo5" (high tone), and "la1" (low tone).

    About their counterparts: "le5" exists only in very jocular and colloquial speech (and you could see people using the bopomofo ㄌ on the internet to indicate that). "lo1" comes from the contraction of "le1 o1" (likewise, "lo5" comes from "le1 o5"), and "o1" is used to confirm/ask if what you heard/deduced/think is in fact correct", not unlike the Japanese "ne". "la5" is the contraction of "le1 a5" (which is why no one uses "le1 la5" in combination), and "a5" is kind of like Japanese "yo", used to emphasize/reiterate that something is indeed the case. However, not all instances of "la1" comes from "le1 a1", which is why "le1 la1" is still possible… "a1" is used to express acknowledgement of some new-learned fact, like "Ah, so that's what it is!"

  25. Victor Mair said,

    March 24, 2016 @ 12:05 pm

    From a professor of Chinese language and literature who was born and grew up in Hangzhou:

    下不为例 is a vernacularized idiomatic expression (It's not a 成语.). Nowadays, it's been used as a double entendre in prc between bribers and venal officials in many situations. When the recipient of bribery says 下不为例, he/she tries to decline it disingenuously but actually indicates his/her willingness to accept more next time. This is the political semiotics of 下不为例.

    VHM: By "vernacularized" he must mean that it is a literary expression that can be embedded in vernacular. Despite what he says, it can be found listed as a "set phrase" (chéngyǔ 成语) in many reference works.

  26. Kris said,

    March 24, 2016 @ 2:58 pm

    As someone born in China but who grew up speaking English and Chinese to northern Chinese parents, I would say 别再干这事儿 (bie2 zai4 gan4 zhe4 shi4, heavily rhoticised at the end). I've also heard various family members use 弄 (nong4) interchangably with 干.

  27. liuyao said,

    March 25, 2016 @ 1:33 am

    成语, by definition, are literary expressions embedded in vernacular. What he must have meant is that it became a 俗成语, set phrases that may not very literary and, more importantly, do not have a clear origin that the speaker is consciously evoking. Think about 三心二意, which probably also appears in many reference works of 成语.

    A better example of this phenomenon of vulgarization is 一鼓作氣, which appeared in a famous story from Zuo Zhuan, but its more typical meaning in modern spoken and written Chinese has little to do with that story.

  28. liuyao said,

    March 25, 2016 @ 1:39 am

    Oops, I somehow misread vernacularized as vulgarized. I hope I didn't offend anyone.

  29. mstrickland said,

    March 26, 2016 @ 12:53 am

    Just to share some additional data: I took the liberty of posting this question on Weibo to see how people would translate the phrase. Without necessarily endorsing all of the translations (some of which may have missed some sense of the English, or might be a little too loose), I got back 20 responses:

    绝对不得再弄老 [nb: said to be 方言, though not identified by the poster]
    再整削死你 [nb: said to be 东北话]

    I suppose it's worth noting that 又 didn't show up once, though 下次 does make an appearance. I can't speak to the geographic origins of all of the respondents, though I think they are predominantly from the North. Lastly, one of the users who posted 下不为例 claimed that teachers in elementary school use this frequently, so perhaps children are exposed to it, after all.

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