International Talk Like a Pirate Day, again…

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We missed it this year, but the New York Times didn't , and posted a link to Laurel MacKenzie's "Pirate Lingo 101":

Past Talk Like a Pirate Day posts:

"R!", 11/03/2003
"Type like a pirate day", 9/9/2004
"R!?", 9/19/2005
"Type like a pirate", 9/18/2006
"Pirate R as I-R-eland", 9/20/2006
"Powarrr law", 9/20/2006
"Post like a pirate", 9/19/2007
"R", 9/9/2008
"Said the Pirate King, Aaarrrf", 9/27/2010
"R R R", 9/19/2012
"Talk like a pirate", 9/19/2017



  1. Joshua K. said,

    September 22, 2024 @ 11:02 am

    For some reason, YouTube has tagged this video as "From an accredited US healthcare educator."

  2. David L said,

    September 22, 2024 @ 11:23 am

    "Yo-ho-ho" and its cousins are illustrated with a movie clip showing men pulling on oars in a galley – not very pirate-like. I understand those expressions as being used by teams of crew members (aka 'mateys') hauling up sails or winding the capstan to pull up anchor.

  3. KevinM said,

    September 22, 2024 @ 12:24 pm

    @David L: A better movie clip would be the classic 1934 Wallace Beery/Jackie Cooper Treasure Island. The crew of the Hispaniola (pirates, though the good guys don't know that yet!) pull together on the second "ho."

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