Talk like a pirate

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It's Talk Like A Pirate Day again, but I've got nothing to add to our past coverage:

"R!", 11/03/2003
"Type like a pirate day", 9/9/2004
"R!?", 9/19/2005
"Type like a pirate", 9/18/2006
"Pirate R as I-R-eland", 9/20/2006
"Powarrr law", 9/20/2006
"Post like a pirate", 9/19/2007
"R", 9/9/2008
"Said the Pirate King, Aaarrrf", 9/27/2010
"R R R", 9/19/2012



  1. Mark Metcalf said,

    September 19, 2017 @ 8:03 pm

    I advised my students of the event in class today, but there was no interest.
    Perhaps if KK had continued to commemorate the esteemed event?

  2. Mara K said,

    September 19, 2017 @ 9:22 pm

    What's a pirate's favorite letter of the alphabet?

    Some would say R, but his first love be the C.

    And to balance out the pronoun in that old saw, here's the Rejected Princesses stories on Ching Shih, Anne Bonny, and Mary Read.

  3. J said,

    September 19, 2017 @ 10:42 pm

    @Mara K

    No, no, no! FIRST you ask, "Did you hear about the new pirate movie?" And when they say "no," you say "It be rated RRRRR!"

    THEN you ask, "do you know a pirate's favorite letter?" When they guess, "is it RRRR?" You answer, "Aye, some would say R, but a pirate's first love be the C!"

    And THAT is how you tell pirate jokes!

    *Mic drop* ;-)

  4. richardelguru said,

    September 20, 2017 @ 6:35 am

    Whilst we are at it, there's always 'Talk Like a Samurai Day'

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