Trump as brass: score

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Following up on "Trump as brass", I was curious about the relationship between the spoken pitch track and the score that Jase used to generate the trombone sounds. Here's his Xeet again, showing his score and playing his trombone synthesis overlaid on Trump's audio:

And here's the original audio, with a text-aligned pitch track:

Here's the audio and the pitch track for the first phase "In Springfield", with lines corresponding to the values of the score's first three notes (G, C#, F#) assuming A=440:

As you can see, Trump's pitch track in this case is not a series of more-or-less level pitches, but rather shows the gliding contours of normal intonational patterns. To the extent that there's perceived musicality here, I think it's more because of the rhythm; but in any case, Jase has chosen representative notes that are in the middle of each syllable's contour, probably amplitude-weighted.

And the same thing is true for the subsequent phrases:

A histogram of his F0 values, translated to semitones relative to A 110, confirms (the obvious perception) that he's not singing:

And yet Jase's trombonification is persuasive…

If you want to explore the patterns for yourself, here's

1 Comment »

  1. DavidP said,

    September 15, 2024 @ 4:06 pm

    The Kiffness, with a little editing, put the passage to rhythm:

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