"Teacher voice"

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Now I read
that J D Vance said he was
"really disturbed"
by teachers
who don't have
biological children.
Well for a long time
Tim and I were teachers
who struggled with infertility.
And we were only able to start a family
because of fertility treatments.
So this is really personal.
we do not take kindly to folks
like J D Vance telling us
or how
to start our family.
So let me use my Teacher Voice.
English teachers, you know what these
((babies are for)).
Mister Vance,
how about you mind your own business?

Searches of YouTube and Google Scholar demonstrate that "Teacher Voice" is definitely a thing, though I don't think that the definitive sociophonetic analysis has yet been done — not to speak of the attitudinal, rhetorical, syntactical, lexical, gestural, postural, sartorial, and optometrical aspects.



  1. Dr. Emilio Lizardo said,

    August 31, 2024 @ 7:47 pm

    Yeah, we get it. Trump and Vance are buffoons. As you constantly endeavor to persuade us.

    Looking forward to your analyses of Kamala Harris' rhetorical style.

    Here's a good place to start: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NMRstm0GA4

  2. James said,

    August 31, 2024 @ 8:25 pm

    I think you've misunderstood the post rather badly, Emilio.
    But maybe you can do your own rhetorical analysis of Harris's style! And post it, and maybe people will read it! It's easier to tell other people to do it, but I think you'll find it more satisfying to do it yourself.

  3. ~flow said,

    September 1, 2024 @ 12:55 am

    Yes, buffoons they are, and dangerous criminals and liars on top of that. Trump is, among other things, a convicted felon on 34 counts and an adjudicated rapist. Shady Vance has called him, quite rightly if a bit (fortunately) exaggerated, an 'American Hitler' years ago, a fact that apparently didn't keep him from becoming his running mate. They share a horrifying misogynist perspective, one in which only white men are full members of society, with the rest of humanity being viewed as 'material' that can be used as seen fit. Well as long as you don't cross their ways, that is, or get wounded or killed in combat.

    It's not that some people here are not willing to see 'both sides'. They fully do see 'both sides'.

  4. Tom said,

    September 1, 2024 @ 1:49 am

    In context, and with the putting on of glasses ("these babies"), it would seem that teacher voice is a kind of scolding in a tone of condescension.

  5. Cheryl Thornett said,

    September 1, 2024 @ 7:46 am

    No, Teacher Voice is not scolding or condescending. It means business, commands attention, often gives instructions and generally leads to compliance. It's not a shout or even particularly loud, but carries over a noisy classroom.
    It is not dissimilar to the voice used by good public speakers and by vocalists who don't rely on amplification. Projection is part of it

  6. J.W. Brewer said,

    September 1, 2024 @ 8:47 am

    "Teacher voice" is used by adult authority figures attempting to exert their authority and/or abuse their power over children. Using it when addressing another adult thus carries some implicature that the speaker thinks that the adult being addressed ought to be treated as if a child, which I take it was at least part of Mrs. Walz's (Walz'? whatevs) motivation for using it. Put another way, it is almost by definition condescending if used between adults that a third-party observer would consider social equals. Although of course Sen. Vance was not actually part of any actual conversation – rather (as is extremely common in political discourse) Mrs. Walz was pretending to speak directly to someone who was not actually present. I'm sure Sen. Vance has likewise had one-sided imaginary conversations with real-or-imagined political adversaries which likewise violated social conventions for polite discourse between social equals.

  7. Cheryl Thornett said,

    September 1, 2024 @ 9:34 am

    I should say that a Teacher Voice is almost never needed in Adult Education. I last used it during a fire drill to ensure that a group including my boss used the designated fire escape instead of a crowded stair, as had happened on previous drills and which was potentially hazardous.

    It's very likely that Mrs Walz intended humor to make a point, in any case.

  8. Don P said,

    September 1, 2024 @ 3:30 pm

    Hey, is that the guy who impersonated the actual AVClub commenter "Dr. Emilio Lizardo" for YEARS, now branching out to other blogs?

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