Some Christmas-adjacent posts

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"Talking animals: Miracle or curse?", 12/24/2004
"Seven fishes", 12/26/2008
"Ask LL: A paradox of words?", 12/30/2009
"Mele Kalikimka!", 12/25/2010
"Watch out for those talking animals tonight", 12/24/2013
"Reindeer talk", 12/24/2013
"Trigger warning: Talking animals", 12/24/2015
"Silent Night", 12/25/2016

For today, some links on the Puritans' feelings about Christmas:

J.A.R. Pimlott, "Christmas under the Puritans", History Today 12/12/1960
Erica Yee, "The Plymouth Colony governor confiscated toys from Pilgrims on Christmas Day: Merrymaking was not encouraged in 1621", 12/25/2017
Peter Mancall, "Why the Puritans cracked down on celebrating Christmas", The Conversation 12/17/2020
Pastor Stephen, "Why the Pilgrims Hated Christmas", Bayview Bible Church 12/17/2020

To which I feel we should say "Merry Christmas!" (and "Io Saturnalia!"…)


1 Comment

  1. Benjamin E. Orsatti said,

    December 27, 2022 @ 9:30 am

    Pax & Bonum.

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