On-going human evolution for spoken language?

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According to Bruce Bower, "Evolution's Ear", ScienceNews, 8/30/2008

In a new study, anthropologist John Hawks of the University of Wisconsin–Madison finds that eight hearing-related genes show signs of having evolved systematically in human populations over the past 40,000 years. Some alterations on these genes took root as recently as 2,000 to 3,000 years ago.

“Hawks makes a compelling case that not only is human evolution ongoing in the past 10,000 years, but it has sped up,” says anthropologist Clark Larsen of Ohio State University in Columbus.

Seven genes identified by Hawks produce proteins that make stereocilia and the membrane that coats them. The eighth gene assists in building middle ear structures that transmit sound frequencies to the inner ear.

As far as I can tell, this work hasn't come out in written form yet. John Hawks has a terrific weblog ("John Hawks weblog: Paleoanthropology, genetics, and evolution") and he mentions the Bower article in a brief note ("Hawks featured in Science News"), but all he says about it is "This is a really nice article, and I wasn't expecting it to come out, so please go read it!"  Which you should do.

But you won't learn from Bower's excellent article exactly what the genes are, beyond the observation that "Seven genes identified by Hawks produce proteins that make stereocilia and the membrane that coats them. The eighth gene assists in building middle ear structures that transmit sound frequencies to the inner ear". Nor will you learn whether these genes are also involved in any non-hearing-related functions — which I would guess that they are, both on general principles, and because stereocilia are also involved in the balance and orientation functions of the inner ear, and in the male reproductive system. Nor will you learn the details of which populations these genomic variants appear in when, beyond these observations:

Consider a gene necessary for forming filaments that join stereocilia into sound-transmitting bundles. A particular mutation of this gene appears frequently in Chinese and Japanese people and probably originated in the past 10,000 to 15,000 years, Hawks says.

Other common variants of genes required for making stereocilia occur either in Europeans or Africans. These DNA changes emerged as early as 40,000 years ago and as late as 2,000 years ago.

The bundles in question might be better described as "motion-sensing" than as "sound-transmitting" — though in the auditory system, the motion in question is the response of the basilar membrane to sound. You can see a bundle of hair cell stereocilia in this figure, from Sergei Sukarev and David Corey, "Mechanosensitive Channels: Multiplicity of Families and Gating Paradigms",  Science STKE 219 2004:

(The bundle in the picture is from a vestibular organ, i.e. one involved in balance and orientation rather than hearing.)

Returning to Bower's article about the recent genomic variation in hearing-genes:

“I have no idea why certain variants show up in some populations and not in others,” Hawks remarks.

It nonetheless appears that evolution has increasingly promoted genes that mediate the ability to hear speech sounds. Hawks suggests that as social life became more demanding in the late Stone Age, these particular gene variants must have aided survival and reproduction. People who inherited them may have developed special proficiency at detecting subtle emotions conveyed by a speaker’s vocal tone or recognizing familiar voices in a chattering crowd.

Or perhaps they were better at music, another area where modern humans greatly excel compared to other great apes.

As a linguist, I'm excited about this work, especially under Hawks' favored interpretation:

It all points to the evolutionary sensitivity of at least one part of the human language system in the post–Stone Age world, Hawks reported in April in Columbus at the annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists. Language depends not just on a vocal tract capable of making certain speech sounds but on ears designed to hear particular sound frequencies, as well as on a variety of other brain and body features. Relatively recently in evolutionary history, genetic revisions within populations have upgraded ear structures needed for discerning what other people say, he proposes.

“It takes a long time for a biologically complex system like language to evolve,” Hawks says. “We’re still genetically adapting to language.”

His findings challenge the influential idea that the way humans now talk emerged full-blown about 50,000 years ago thanks to a single genetic mutation that improved vocal articulation. Hawks’ results instead play into a growing appreciation that rapid population growth toward the end of the Stone Age, followed by the rise of agriculture and village life around 10,000 years ago, triggered cultural changes that prompted genetic accommodations.

But as Bower observes, the conclusion is a rather controversial one, including the suggestion that different modern populations may have adapted to spoken language in quite different ways. This is an idea that came up last year in work by Dan Dediu and Bob Ladd, discussed on Language Log here and here, with respect to what I'm pretty sure are different genes (though I can't tell for sure, since I don't know for sure which genes Hawks studied).

Although the peripheral auditory system in humans is set up in pretty much the same way as it is in other mammals, it's been thought for some time that human hearing is improved in certain ways over the other mammals that have been studied. Thus from William P. Shofner, "Comparative Aspects of Pitch Perception", chap. 3 in Christopher Plack et al., Eds., Pitch: Neural Coding and Perception, 2005, in section 3.1, "Frequency Perception of Single Tones", we find this graph:

Fig. 3.1 Frequency discrimination thresholds for tones among common laboratory mammals generally considered to have good low-frequency hearing abilities. Threshold is expressed as relative threshold, which hte is the fractional change in frequency (i.e., Δf/f, where Δf is the difference limen). Filled squares show guinea pig data; filled circles show cat data; filled triangles show chinchilla data; filled inverted triangles show monkey data. Open circles show human data. Data were compiled from Fay (1988).

(Of course, there are other respects in which humans hear less well than other mammals, and many ways in which our hearing is similar to theirs.)

I don't know whether the change or changes responsible for this difference (in frequency discrimination thesholds for single tones) are in the peripheral auditory system (e.g. the physics of the cochlea, the location and/or innervation of the stereocilia sensory cells), or in the brain stem, or in the cortex.

But my remark in passing about adaptation for music was not just a random joke — music is certainly the most obvious human activity where sub-semitone frequency discrimination of single tones is useful. The role that music plays in human sexual selection is obvious, and led Charles Darwin to suggest that human speech might in some sense have evolved out of love songs:

All these facts with respect to music and impassioned speech become intelligible to a certain extent, if we may assume that musical tones and rhythm were used by our half-human ancestors, during the season of courtship, when animals of all kinds are excited not only by love, but by the strong passions of jealousy, rivalry, and triumph. […] As we have every reason to suppose that articulate speech is one of the latest, as it certainly is the highest, of the arts acquired by man, and as the instinctive power of producing musical notes and rhythms is developed low down in the animal series, it would be altogether opposed to the principle of evolution, if we were to admit that man's musical capacity has been developed from the tones used in impassioned speech. We must suppose that the rhythms and cadences of oratory are derived from previously developed musical powers. We can thus understand how it is that music, dancing, song, and poetry are such very ancient arts. We may go even further than this, and, as remarked in a former chapter, believe that musical sounds afforded one of the bases for the development of language.

Darwin assumes an evolutionary continuity between human music and various sorts of animal vocal displays that contemporary researchers might challenge, or at least modulate. As far as I know, no other animals use acoustic displays with pitch intervals that are based on small-integer ratios (other than the octave), as humans do. Nor, as far as I know, are other animals' acoustic displays constructed out of rhythmic patterns based on small-integer ratios of time periods. The point of this observation is not to disrespect our animal relatives, but to underline the fact that there are some (culturally universal?) aspects of human music for which recent genetic adaptation might in fact be motivated.

Music is not the only non-linguistic function for which recent human adaptation of hair-cell bundles is conceivable — as a random far-out speculation, could the vestibulo-ocular reflex have been adapted recently for the more accurate use of projectile weapons? That would be via the "Mongolian horse-archer gene", etc. :-).

As a linguist,  I'm rooting for Hawks' version of the story to turn out to be true, and  I'm looking forward to learning the details of his argument. His presentation was  "Adaptive evolution of human hearing and the appearance of language", 77th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists. 4/11/2008, Columbus, Ohio, and the published abstract was :

Language requires not only a detailed anatomical and neurological system of language production, but also a highly adapted system of reception. Considering the frequency and amplitude range of human speech, the necessity of perceiving a large number of distinct speakers, the extended life history of humans, the need for children to learn phonemic distinctions at an early age, and the spatial distances covered by vocal communication in humans compared to other primates, it is likely that humans have distinctive auditory adaptations to language. This study tests the hypothesis of selection on the human auditory system, by interspecific genomic comparisons and genome-wide selection scans in living people. A set of hearing-related human genes shows clear signs of recurrent selected substitutions in humans compared to chimpanzees and macaques. These recurrent substitutions may have occurred at any time during human evolutionary history, but they were repeated with several selected variants for each gene. A smaller set of genes shows signs of significant population differentiation within the past 50,000 years, due to recent strong selection. Further, a relatively large set of hearing-related genes have segregating variants under recent strong selection in one or more human populations. These genes reflect continuing selection on hearing within the last 2000—3000 years. Together, these results suggest that human vocal communication exerted repeated selection pressures on the auditory system, that the system of human language continued to evolve during the Late Pleistocene, and that humans may still be adapting to language.


  1. DYSPEPSIA GENERATION » Blog Archive » On-going human evolution for spoken language? said,

    September 2, 2008 @ 7:49 am

    […] Read it. […]

  2. Sili said,

    September 2, 2008 @ 10:07 am

    Well, at least the courtship hypothesis opens an avenue for sexual selection to make this work. I'm not a biologist, so I have no idea how one would test this, though.

    It'd indeed be interesting to see if stereocilia structure is different between tonal and non-tonal speakers.

    If people are interested in a bit of background on stereocilia and genetic defects in them, I highly recommend Danio's four-part series on Usher Syndrome.

  3. Dick Margulis said,

    September 2, 2008 @ 1:57 pm

    Suppose it turns out to be the case that different populations (back when geographic distance meant more than it does now) evolved in the ways Hawks claims. And suppose, as Sili suggests, that these differences are adapted to different sorts of languages (tonal, non-tonal, click–not sure if that's the technical term–languages of Africa, whatever). What would be the sociopolitical implications? I'm thinking of the relative ease or difficulty of learning different groups of foreign languages; I'm thinking of the reconvergence (if it's a real phenomenon as some have suggested) of populations thanks to travel and education, leading to ever more intermarriage of previously separate groups. Interesting stuff.

  4. David Eddyshaw said,

    September 2, 2008 @ 2:21 pm

    Don't other animals have a vestibular-optic reflex?
    (must go swing a cat … there's research to be done …)

  5. Mark Liberman said,

    September 2, 2008 @ 2:37 pm

    David Eddyshaw: Don't other animals have a vestibular-optic reflex?

    Yes, I believe that the basic architecture is the same in all mammals.

    Reptiles, birds etc. must have something functionally equivalent, but the anatomy and physiology should be different in detail.

  6. Mark Liberman said,

    September 2, 2008 @ 2:49 pm

    Dick Margulis: Suppose it turns out to be the case that different populations … evolved in the ways Hawks claims. And suppose, as Sili suggests, that these differences are adapted to different sorts of languages …

    Dediu and Ladd make an argument of exactly this form about correlations between the geographical distributions of two particular genetic traits (not any of those that Hawks is talking about, as far as I can tell) and the distribution of tone languages. (See here and here for discussion.)

    But (as they point out) if such an effect exists, it must be a very subtle one, since we know that children from one of the population groups have no noticeable difficulty in learning a language developed by one of the other groups. They talk about the effect as a "cognitive bias", and suggest that the correlation with non-tone vs. tone languages might be a side-effect of a genetic change that took place for another reason, or perhaps even for no reason.

    This seems to me to be a weak point in Hawks' argument (though without having a paper to read, it's hard for me to be sure what his position is on this issue). The variations in question have to make a big enough difference to be selected for — and perhaps to go to fixation in some populations? But they can't make a big enough difference to be noticed as an effect in psychophysical tests, for example, or in group differences in the relative ease of learning certain languages, or whatever.

    Unless maybe this is wrong, and there *are* large group differences in pitch perception (or whatever)? Diana Deutsch et al. did find ("Absolute pitch among American and Chinese conservatory students: Prevalence differences, and evidence for a speech-related critical period", JASA 119(2) 2006) that Chinese conservatory students have a substantially higher prevalence of perfect pitch than American conservatory students do, though they explained this fact in terms of an effect of language rather than of genes. (And they had no way to rule out the possibility that societal differences in training and selecting music students might also play a role.)

    On the other hand, Glenn Schellenberg ("Is There an Asian Advantage for Pitch Memory?", Music Perception 25(3): 241-252, 1008) did experiments "to examine pitch memory among Canadian 9- to 12-year-olds of Asian (Chinese) or non-Asian (European) heritage", and concluded that the results "provide no support for the contribution of genetics or tone-language use to cross-cultural differences in pitch memory".

  7. Sili said,

    September 2, 2008 @ 4:37 pm

    I suggested tones exactly because of the previously discussed study (I recalled that much), but I'm genuinely interested since I don't know enough about the anatomy of hte ear (despite the link) nor the production or interpretation of tones (and I have never had a musical bone to my body – I whistle out of tune and I can't even drum my fingers with any regularity despite being a compulsive fiddler for years).

    The effect is obviously not absolute – I only have to think of my own trouble producing /z/ or /ʌ/ (as a Dane when speaking English) – or for that matter consciously detecting them. So despite the lack (presumably) of any significant genetic difference, I still suck at speaking even closely related European languages. (And now I have really wandered off-topic. Sorry.)

  8. Bill Benzon said,

    September 2, 2008 @ 5:32 pm

    Over the last decade or so music as emerged as an important arena for psychological, neuropsychological, and evolutionary research. Steven Mithen's The Singing Neanderthals makes perhaps the most extensive argument for (quasi) music as a precursor for language. Here's my own essay-review, and also a link to my book on music, which also argues for a music-like precursor to language: Beethoven's Anvil: Music in Mind and Culture. From my review of Mithen:

    There are important problems that cannot be handled within confines of a single intellectual discipline. The origins of humankind is one of these problems. No matter which facet of that problem interests you, you inevitably find yourself looking at everything – or so it seems. Is music an offshoot of language or did a music-like activity evolve prior to language? In principle we could answer this question by traveling back in time and making direct observations. Unfortunately, that particular principle cannot be realized in the world as we know it, so we must instead approach human origins indirectly by gathering evidence from a wide variety of disciplines – archeology, physical and cultural anthropology, cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, and the neurosciences – and piecing it together. Such work entails a level of speculation that is incompatible with the publication demands of the specialist literature. It also demands a breadth of knowledge that is all but impossible. When done well, however, such a book contributes to specialist investigations by establishing a framework within which more detailed work can be done.

    Steven Mithen's current book, The Singing Neanderthals, is in this vein. He presents a wide range of evidence and ideas in clear and accessible prose that argues convincingly that the evolution of language was preceded by something that is neither language nor music as we now know them.

  9. Språk, musik och sex said,

    September 3, 2008 @ 6:17 am

    […] Descent of Man från 1871, varifrån citatet kommer; jag ska också säga att jag inspirerats av detta inlägg på Language […]

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