More Google Translate hallucinations on YouTube

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[Warning: Loud background music.]

See here for lots of examples without the music.

Among the many others on YouTube, I think this is my current favorite:

As is often the case, however, that particular example no longer seems to work. The changes are apparently not due to any sensible attempt to detect nonsensical inputs, but rather just to continued training that leads to different patterns of hallucination.

The probable reasons for these weirdnesses are explained in "Electric Sheep" (4/18/2017). There's some further discussion in the comments on "AI hallucinations" (3/10/2018), etc.



  1. IMarvinTPA said,

    June 3, 2018 @ 9:08 am

    If this is good, then you really should look at this channel:
    Her main content is titled "Google Translate Sings".

    A particularly popular one: (Shape Of You)

    I look forward to your comments, once you reclaim your time.


  2. Viseguy said,

    June 3, 2018 @ 4:56 pm

    There's a "Gradually Watermelon" version of Shape Of You that goes on for ten (10) hours:

    Good background music for a modern-day re-enactment of the dinner-party sequence from Buñuel's Exterminating Angel — culminating in a dessert of you-know-what.

  3. Chas Belov said,

    June 4, 2018 @ 1:11 am

    Those two YouTube videos in the main article also have animation that can induce motion sickness; please add that to your warning. Or at least the first one does; I assumed the second one does too and didn't watch it.

    I've been waiting for an elephant semifics post ever since I found out I could give Google Translate a string of words that I created by splitting up a word into two-character nonsense words.

    Ka pi li ar ai


    Is a liar
    Of the world
    The person has received a copy of the complaint.
    Of the world is being treated as a liar
    The person has been arrested because of the fact that he is a liar.
    The person has been arrested because of the fact that he has been arrested for the crime.
    The person who has been accused of being a liar is being treated as a liar.
    The only way to get rid of it is to accept the fact that it has been treated like a liar.
    The person who has been accused of being a liar has been arrested because of the fact that he has received a complaint against the accused.
    The person who has been accused of being a liar has been arrested because of the fact that he has received a complaint against the accused.

    At which point it gave up and started returning:

    Ka pi li in ai kaa pi li aur kai pi li li aur kai pi li li aur kai pi li aur ka pi li li ai ka pi li aur ka pi li li ai ka pi li ii ai ka pi lii aa ai Ka pi li ar ai Ka pi li ar ai

  4. More Google Translate hallucinations on YouTube – Lugano Translations said,

    June 5, 2018 @ 2:14 pm

    […] And more.. from The Language Log. […]

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