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Crockusology returns

No, sorry, I don't have any updates on the brain region named by Dan Hodgins after the eponymous and legendary Dr. Alfred Crockus. But the Neuroskeptic has picked up on some "Educational neuro-nonsense" voiced on the BBC's morning Today Program by Vicky Tuck, president of the (British) Girls' Schools Association: If you look at the […]

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Scientific pseudonyms

This article, about the grave (and life) of Powell Crosley Jr., reminded me of my graduate school colleague Crosley Shelvador, M.D. OK, the "M.D." part is fictional, and the "colleague" part might be considered as a misleading way to refer to an elderly but functional refrigerator. For some of the facts, see "Dr. Alfred Crockus […]

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Stronzo Bestiale, Galadriel Mirkwood, Crosley Shelvador, …

"The true story of Stronzo Bestiale", Parolacce 10/5/2014: Would you read a paper written by Stronzo Bestiale (Total Asshole)? A dose of mistrust would be justified: the name says it all. Yet, in 1987, professor Bestiale, supposedly a physicist in Palermo, Sicily, authored major papers in prestigious scientific peer reviewed journals such as the  Journal […]

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My brain hurts

The Typalyzer website gives an instant and fun psychological profile of any blog based on the language used. Asked about Language Log, it says we're "scientists". It's true! It's true! Although we are "intellectually curious and daring", we "might be pshysically hesitant to try new things." I admit it. I'm so pshysically challenged that I can't […]

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