Virtual party

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One of our grad students has sent around a creative party invitation — details after the jump:

Just because we're all stuck in our apartments is no reason not to party.

(0) I'll be there to welcome you into my Foyer. Pardon the mess; it's been a crazy week.

(1) Bring your own food and drink and socialize with each other in the Kitchen. It's not drinking alone if you're with friends.

(2) Play online games with each other in the Game room. Though perhaps refrain from Pandemic; it's such a depressing game.

(3) Discuss your favorite books (and academic articles) in the Library. Did you know that the etymology of "quarantine" comes from the French for a "forty day period"? Life's gotten so much faster now that quarantines are only fourteen days.

(4) Jam out together in the Music room. Perhaps something topical like Andre Caplet's "La Masque de la Mort rouge"

(5) Or just chill in the Living room. We can always use a rest.

Formal attire (waist-up) requested. Suggestions welcome.

Feel free to invite friends, pets, and eldritch horrors. There's no fire code to worry about, so the more the merrier!

Location: On Slack and Skype. Each of the Room channels on Slack links to a shared Skype videocall.

I definitely need to learn the Slack/Skype technique, since so far I've done nothing more creative than a Zoom coffee break and a Zoom quaran-tea.


  1. mg said,

    March 19, 2020 @ 9:38 am

    A writer friend is hosting "work parties" – 2 hour Zoom sessions where we get to chat for 15 minutes at the top of the hour then are all put on mute but can see each other working. It's amazing how helpful it is for getting work done!

  2. Vilinthril said,

    March 19, 2020 @ 8:26 pm

    We just had a virtual birthday party on Discord. (For those proficient in German or unafraid of Google Translate: )

  3. DJL said,

    March 20, 2020 @ 7:17 am

    Good stuff, but someone at the party should tell him that 'quarantine' doesn't come from French.

  4. Rick said,

    March 20, 2020 @ 9:59 am

    I like that this would make both the time on Noah's ark, and Jesus' time in the dessert quarantines.

  5. Rick said,

    March 20, 2020 @ 1:36 pm


  6. Rick said,

    March 20, 2020 @ 1:38 pm

    …but being quarantined in the dessert doesn't sound bad at all.

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