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ware interactive--coming soon
an interactive
database for
the denizens of

Ware College House at the
University of Pennsylvania
FALL 1999

This fall, Ware College House is instituting a new interface to our web presence. Currently in development, it will offer calendars and forums, accessible to members of the Ware College House Community. While it's still being developed, we're offering two entrances to the web site: the old site, as updated with semi-cu rrent information, or the new site, as it is pieced together. Please bear with us. We hope to have this finished soon.

(getting better all the time)
(same as it was)

this site, currently under renovation, was updated 20july1999.
for further information, or with questions or concerns, contact
arobbins@seas.upenn.edu or zacharyc@sas.upenn.edu