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Comparison of Mawu and Bambara Nasality

The table below compares certain Mawu words with their cognates in Bambara, a related Manding language. In the Mawu words, a vowel with a tilde above indicate ``Type I'' nasalization (the kind where the nasalization spreads to a following consonant), while a tilde below indicates ``Type II'' nasalization (the kind that does not spread). The Bambara words are given in standard Bambara orthography.


Based on the information in this table, predict the Mawu equivalents of the Bambara words /{furu|/ ``stomach,'' / tex2html_wrap_inline2585 / ``hut,'' / tex2html_wrap_inline2591 / ``donkey,'' / tex2html_wrap_inline2597 / ``to catch,'' / tex2html_wrap_inline2603 / ``to germinate,'' / tex2html_wrap_inline2609 / ``pearl.''

Now can you predict the Bambara equivalents of the Mawu words / tex2html_wrap_inline2619 / ``flour,'' / tex2html_wrap_inline2625 / ``dog,'' / tex2html_wrap_inline2631 / ``sheep,'' / tex2html_wrap_inline2631 / ``to pay?''

Do you think it is harder for Bambara speakers to understand Mawu, or Mawu speakers to undertand Bambara?

Mark Liberman
Fri Oct 3 14:10:16 EDT 1997