KS 6.528 9.687 This is a photograph by the artist uh Michael Najar KS 9.687 11.004 um and it'S real KS 11.004 15.177 um in the sense that he went there to Argentina to take the photo KS 15.177 20.998 but it'S also a fiction, there's a lot of work that went into it after that, and what he's done IS he'S actually KS 20.998 23.55 reshaped digitally all of the KS 23.55 27.925 contours of the mountains follow the visissitudes of the Dow Jones index. KS 27.925 29.585 So what you see KS 29.585 34.871 that precipice, that high precipice with the valley is the 2008 financial crisis, the KS 34.871 36.512 photo was made when we were deep KS 36.512 39.712 in the valley over there, I don't know where we are now KS 39.712 44.17 um this IS uh the Hang Seng index for Hong Kong and KS 44.17 47.02 similar topography I wonder why KS 47.02 50.989 and this IS art, right, this IS metaphor. KS 50.989 51.9 But KS 51.9 54.289 I think the point IS IS that this IS metaphor KS 54.289 55.058 with teeth. KS 55.058 57.083 And it'S with those teeth that I want to KS 57.083 60.263 propose today that we re-think a little bit KS 60.263 61.965 about the role of KS 61.965 66.424 contemporary math, not just financial math, but math in general, that KS 66.424 69.241 it'S transitioned from being something that we sort of KS 69.241 71.897 extract and derive from the world to something KS 71.897 73.904 that actually starts to shape it KS 73.904 75.992 the world around us, and the world KS 75.992 78.192 inside us, and it'S specifically KS 78.192 79.733 algorithms, which are KS 79.733 83.098 basically the math that computers use to decide stuff KS 83.098 85.003 They acquire KS 85.003 89.802 the sensibility of truth, because they repeat over and over again, and they kind of ossify KS 89.802 91.342 and calcify, and they kind of KS 91.342 92.255 become KS 92.255 93.228 real KS 93.228 94.829 And I was thinking about this KS 94.829 97.89 of all places on a trans-Atlantic flight KS 97.89 99.045 a couple years ago KS 99.045 104.313 uh because I happened to be seated next to a Hungarian physicist about my age, and we were talking about KS 104.313 108.164 what life was like during the cold war for physicists in Hungary KS 108.164 110.656 and I said so what were you doing and he said well we were KS 110.656 112.682 uh mostly breaking stealth KS 112.682 114.466 and I said that'S a good job, KS 114.466 116.03 uh that'S interesting, KS 116.03 120.043 um how does that work, and so to understand that you have to understand a little bit KS 120.043 122.278 about how stealth works, and so KS 122.278 125.439 this IS a over-simplification but basically KS 125.439 127.202 it'S not like you can just KS 127.202 129.671 pass a radar signal right through KS 129.671 134.535 a hundred and fifty six tons of steel in the sky, it'S not just going to disappear KS 134.535 137.961 But if you can take this big massive thing KS 137.961 139.497 and you could KS 139.497 140.977 turn it into KS 140.977 145.395 a million little things, something like a flock of birds KS 145.395 150.704 well then the radar that'S looking for that has to be able to see every flock of birds in the sky KS 150.704 153.926 and if you're a radar, that'S a really bad job. KS 153.926 160.05 and he said yeah, but that'S if you're a radar, he said, so we didn't use a radar, we KS 160.05 165.399 built a black box that was looking for electrical signals, electronic communication KS 165.399 172.187 and whenever we saw a flock of birds that had electronic communication we thought, probably that has something to do with the Americans KS 172.187 176.402 and I said yeah, that'S that'S good, so you've KS 176.402 183.796 effectively negated 60 years of aeronautic research, what'S your act two? you know, like what do you do when you grow up? KS 183.796 188.433 and he said uh he said well you know um financial services KS 188.433 189.799 and I said oh KS 189.799 192.9 because those have been in the news lately KS 192.9 197.965 um and I said I said how does that work and he said well there'S two thousand physicists on Wall Street now KS 197.965 199.322 and I'm one of them KS 199.322 201.39 and I said well so what'S the black box KS 201.39 202.525 for Wall Street? KS 202.525 206.683 and he said well it'S funny that you ask that, because it'S actually called black box trading KS 206.683 211.08 and it'S also sometimes called algo trading, algorithmic trading KS 211.08 214.12 and algorithmic trading evolved KS 214.12 215.174 in part KS 215.174 220.465 because institutional traders have the same problems that the United States Air Force had, KS 220.465 229.482 which IS that they're moving these positions, whether it'S Proctor and Gamble or Accenture, whatever, they're moving like a million shares of something through the market KS 229.482 235.444 And if they do that all at once it'S like playing poker and just going all in, right away, right, you just tip your hand KS 235.444 239.66 and so they have to find a way and they use algorithms to do this KS 239.66 243.429 to break up that big thing into a million little transactions KS 243.429 245.739 and the magic and the horror KS 245.739 248.191 of that IS IS that the same math KS 248.191 251.884 that you use to break up the big thing into a million little things KS 251.884 257.572 can be used to find a million little things and sew them back together and figure out what's actually happening in the market KS 257.572 258.527 so if you need KS 258.527 260.128 to have some image KS 260.128 261.303 of what's happening KS 261.303 263.856 in the stock market right now, what you can picture KS 263.856 265.457 IS a bunch of algorithms KS 265.457 267.605 that are basically programmed to hide KS 267.605 270.462 and a bunch of algorithms that are programmed to go find them KS 270.462 271.394 and act KS 271.394 272.388 and all of that'S KS 272.388 274.009 great and it'S fine KS 274.009 276.704 and that'S seventy percent KS 276.704 280.128 of the United States stock market, seventy percent of the operating system KS 280.128 282.458 formerly known as your pension KS 282.458 285.498 your- your mortgage KS 285.498 288.263 and what could go wrong? KS 288.263 291.12 right, what could go wrong IS IS that a year ago KS 291.12 293.207 nine percent of the entire market just KS 293.207 297.503 disappears in five minutes and they called it the Flash Crash of two forty five KS 297.503 298.272 right? KS 298.272 300.663 all of a sudden, nine percent just goes away KS 300.663 302.669 and nobody to this day KS 302.669 303.743 can even agree KS 303.743 304.818 on what happened KS 304.818 305.892 because nobody KS 305.892 306.472 ordered it KS 306.472 307.628 nobody asked for it KS 307.628 308.297 nobody KS 308.297 309.574 had any control KS 309.574 311.318 over what was actually happening KS 311.318 312.535 all they had KS 312.535 314.927 was just a monitor in front of them KS 314.927 317.076 that had the numbers on it KS 317.076 318.313 and just a red button KS 318.313 318.982 that said KS 318.982 320.077 stop KS 320.077 321.09 KS 321.09 324.382 and that's the thing, right, IS IS that we're writing things KS 324.382 327.098 we're writing these things that we can no longer read KS 327.098 331.234 and it'S- we've- we've rendered something kind of illegible KS 331.234 332.572 and KS 332.572 333.89 we've lost KS 333.89 336.241 the sense of what'S actually KS 336.241 337.113 happeneing KS 337.113 338.653 in this world that we've made KS 338.653 340.66 and we're starting to make our way KS 340.66 343.437 there'S a company in Boston called NANEX KS 343.437 345.143 and uh they use KS 345.143 347.656 math and magic and I don't know what KS 347.656 350.049 and they reach in to all the market data KS 350.049 353.748 and they find actually sometimes some of these algorithms and they KS 353.748 354.815 when they find them they- KS 354.815 358.64 they- they pull them out and they pin them to the wall like butterflies KS 358.64 359.248 KS 359.248 362.065 and they do what we've always done when confronted KS 362.065 364.68 with huge amounts of data that we don't understand KS 364.68 366.301 which is that they give them a name KS 366.301 367.375 and a story KS 367.375 369.477 so this is one that they found KS 369.477 370.673 they called KS 370.673 371.929 the knife KS 371.929 374.645 KS 374.645 375.598 the carnival KS 375.598 376.774 KS 376.774 378.233 the Boston Shuffler KS 378.233 379.794 KS 379.794 380.504 Twilight KS 380.504 381.983 KS 381.983 384.37 and the gag IS that of course KS 384.37 386.499 these aren't just running through the market KS 386.499 387.897 right, you can find KS 387.897 389.134 these kinds of things KS 389.134 391.749 wherever you look once you learn how to look for them. KS 391.749 392.885 right you can find it KS 392.885 395.257 here this book about flies KS 395.257 396.615 that you may have been looking at KS 396.615 398.399 on amazon you may have noticed it KS 398.399 401.4 when its price started at one point seven million dollars KS 401.4 402.557 It'S out of print KS 402.557 403.773 still KS 403.773 405.071 KS 405.071 409.987 if you had bought it at one point seven it would have been a bargain, a few hours later it had gone up to KS 409.987 412.724 twenty three point six million dollars KS 412.724 414.143 plus shipping and handling KS 414.143 417.495 and the question IS nobody was buying or selling anything KS 417.495 422.277 what was happening? and you see this behavior on amazon as surely as you see it on Wall Street KS 422.277 424.871 and when you see this kind of behavior what you see KS 424.871 425.925 IS the evidence KS 425.925 427.851 of algorithms in conflict KS 427.851 430.405 algorithms locked in loops with each other KS 430.405 431.256 without any KS 431.256 432.432 human oversight KS 432.432 433.303 without any KS 433.303 435.702 adult supervision to say actually KS 435.702 437.161 one point seven million KS 437.161 438.093 IS plenty KS 438.093 440.384 you stick with that KS 440.384 443.486 and as with amazon, so it IS with netflix KS 443.486 443.967 KS 443.967 445.406 and so netflix KS 445.406 449.645 has gone through several different algortihms over the year, they started with cinematch and they've KS 449.645 455.148 they've tried a bunch of others, there's Dinosaur Planet, there'S Gravity, they're using Pragmatic Chaos now. Pragmatic Chaos KS 455.148 460.336 IS, like all of netflix' algorithms, trying to do the same thing, it'S trying to get a grasp on you KS 460.336 463.239 on the firmware inside the human skull so that KS 463.239 465.61 it can recommend what movie KS 465.61 466.947 you might want to watch KS 466.947 468.852 next, which IS a very very KS 468.852 470.027 difficult problem KS 470.027 474.854 but the difficulty of the problem and- and the fact that we don't really quite have it down KS 474.854 475.428 KS 475.428 479.096 it doesn't take away from the effects that Pragmatic Chaos has KS 479.096 480.11 Pragmatic Chaos KS 480.11 482.036 like all netflix algorithms KS 482.036 483.698 determines in the end KS 483.698 484.874 sixty percent KS 484.874 485.806 KS 485.806 486.88 of what movies KS 486.88 488.056 end up being rented KS 488.056 491.056 right, so one piece of code, with one idea KS 491.056 492.638 about you KS 492.638 493.347 KS 493.347 495.374 IS responsible for sixty percent of those movies. KS 495.374 496.022 KS 496.022 497.34 but what if you could KS 497.34 498.84 rate those movies KS 498.84 500.259 before they get made KS 500.259 501.759 right, wouldn't that be handy KS 501.759 505.296 well, so a few data scientists from the UK are in Hollywood KS 505.296 509.111 and they have story algorithms, in a company called Epigogics, and KS 509.111 511.731 you can run your script through there KS 511.731 516.556 and they can tell you quantifiably that that'S a thirty million dollar movie or a two hundred million KS 516.556 517.407 dollar movie KS 517.407 518.684 and the thing IS IS that KS 518.684 519.961 this isn't Google KS 519.961 523.325 right, this isn't information, these aren't financial stats KS 523.325 524.501 this IS culture KS 524.501 527.846 and what you see here, or what you don't really see, KS 527.846 528.494 normally KS 528.494 531.069 IS IS that these are the physics of culture KS 531.069 532.36 KS 532.36 534.274 and if these algorithms KS 534.274 537.944 like the algorithms on wall street, just crashed one day and went awry KS 537.944 538.714 KS 538.714 539.894 how would we know? KS 539.894 540.684 KS 540.684 541.677 what would it look like? KS 541.677 542.873 KS 542.873 544.191 and they're in your house KS 544.191 544.778 right? KS 544.778 545.183 KS 545.183 549.25 they're in your house right these are two algorithms competing for your living room, these are two different KS 549.25 553.04 cleaning robots that have very different ideas about what clean KS 553.04 554.479 means and you can see it KS 554.479 556.374 if you slow it down and attach KS 556.374 557.427 lights to them KS 557.427 560.529 and they're sort of like secret architects in your bedroom KS 560.529 563.813 you know and the idea that architecture itself KS 563.813 566.714 is somehow subject to algorithmic optimization KS 566.714 568.233 is not far-fetched it's KS 568.233 570.421 super real and it's happening KS 570.421 571.293 around you KS 571.293 573.036 you feel it most KS 573.036 574.353 when you're in a sealed KS 574.353 575.731 metal box KS 575.731 576.704 a new KS 576.704 579.704 style elevator, they're called destination control elevators KS 579.704 583.838 these are the ones where you have to press what floor you're going to go to before you get in the elevator KS 583.838 585.986 and it uses what's called a bin-packing algorithm KS 585.986 587.263 so none of this michigas KS 587.263 589.735 of just letting everybody go into whatever car they want KS 589.735 594.682 everybody who wants to go into the tenth floor goes into car two and everybody who wants to go to the third floor goes into car five KS 594.682 595.698 and KS 595.698 598.494 the problem with that IS IS that people KS 598.494 599.527 freak out KS 599.527 600.804 people panic KS 600.804 604.29 and you see why, right, you see why, it'S because KS 604.29 605.364 the elevator KS 605.364 608.546 is missing some important instrumentation, like buttons KS 608.546 610.026 right? KS 610.026 612.316 like the things that people use KS 612.316 613.532 all it has KS 613.532 614.464 IS just KS 614.464 615.497 the number KS 615.497 616.794 that moves up or down KS 616.794 618.111 and that red button KS 618.111 619.043 that says KS 619.043 619.873 stop KS 619.873 620.968 KS 620.968 624.86 and this is what we're designing for, we're designing for this kind of KS 624.86 626.542 machine dialect KS 626.542 629.035 right, and how far can you take that KS 629.035 630.433 how far can you take it? KS 630.433 634.909 you can take it really really far, so let me take it back to wall street KS 634.909 635.739 KS 635.739 636.286 ok KS 636.286 638.435 because the algorithms of wall street KS 638.435 639.428 are dependent KS 639.428 642.105 on one quality above all else which IS speed KS 642.105 646.012 and they operate on milliseconds and microseconds, and KS 646.012 648.953 just to give you a sense of what microseconds are, it takes you KS 648.953 652.421 five hundred thousand microseconds just to click a mouse. KS 652.421 655.747 but if you're a wall street algorithm and you're five microseconds behind KS 655.747 656.965 you're a loser KS 656.965 658.973 KS 658.973 660.801 so if you were an algorithm KS 660.801 663.417 you'd look for an architect like the one that I met in Frankfort KS 663.417 666.742 who was hollowing out a skyscraper, thowing out all the furniture KS 666.742 669.174 all the infrastructure for human use, and just running KS 669.174 669.904 steel KS 669.904 673.047 on the floors to get ready for the stacks of servers to go in KS 673.047 673.858 KS 673.858 675.44 all so that an algorithm KS 675.44 677.548 could get close to the internet KS 677.548 678.866 KS 678.866 681.339 and you think of the internet as this kind of KS 681.339 684.096 distributed system, and of course it IS, but it's distributed KS 684.096 688.658 from places, right, and new york this is where it's distributed from, the carrier hotel KS 688.658 690.3 located on hudson street KS 690.3 694.092 and this is really where the wires come right up into the city KS 694.092 695.166 and KS 695.166 700.236 the reality IS IS that the further away you are, you're a few microseconds behind every time KS 700.236 703.701 these guys down on wall street, marco polo and cherokee nation KS 703.701 706.235 they're eight microseconds behind KS 706.235 707.876 all these guys KS 707.876 711.124 going in to the empty buildings being hollowed out KS 711.124 712.137 KS 712.137 714.39 up around the carrier hotel KS 714.39 715.565 right KS 715.565 717.248 and that's going to keep happening KS 717.248 717.957 KS 717.957 719.457 we're going to keep hollowing them out KS 719.457 720.288 because KS 720.288 722.416 you inch for inch KS 722.416 724.93 and pound for pound and dollar for dollar KS 724.93 729.916 none of you could squeeze revenue out of that space like the Boston Shuffler could KS 729.916 731.619 KS 731.619 732.957 but if you zoom out KS 732.957 733.93 KS 733.93 735.165 if you zoom out KS 735.165 738.855 you would see an eight hundred and twenty five mile trench KS 738.855 739.788 between KS 739.788 744.865 new york city and chicago 's been built over the last few years by a company called spread networks KS 744.865 745.736 KS 745.736 749.993 this is a fiber optic cable that was laid between those two cities KS 749.993 750.337 KS 750.337 752.953 to just be able to traffic one signal KS 752.953 753.277 KS 753.277 755.932 thirty seven times faster than you can click a mouse KS 755.932 756.358 KS 756.358 759.446 just for they algorithms, just KS 759.446 761.573 for the Carnival, and the Knife KS 761.573 762.12 KS 762.12 763.62 and when you think about this KS 763.62 764.207 that KS 764.207 765.2 we're running KS 765.2 767.612 through the United States with dynamite KS 767.612 769.153 and rock saws KS 769.153 769.599 KS 769.599 771.829 so that an algorithms can close the deal KS 771.829 773.775 three microseconds faster KS 773.775 773.957 KS 773.957 778.397 all for a communications framework that no human will ever know KS 778.397 780.283 KS 780.283 782.29 that's a kind of manifest destiny KS 782.29 784.945 and we'll always look for a new frontier KS 784.945 786.465 and fortunately KS 786.465 788.552 we have our work cut out for us KS 788.552 792.709 this IS just theoretical, this IS some mathematicians at MIT KS 792.709 797.147 and the truth IS I don't really understand a lot of what they're talking about KS 797.147 803.368 it involves light cones and quantum entanglement and I don't really understand any of that but I can read this map KS 803.368 803.935 KS 803.935 805.556 and what this map says KS 805.556 809.889 IS IS that if you're trying to make money on the markets where the red dots are, that's where KS 809.889 811.409 people are, where the cities are KS 811.409 814.064 you're going to have to put the servers where the blue dots are KS 814.064 815.685 to do that most effectively KS 815.685 819.881 and the thing that you might have noticed about those blue dots IS that a lot of them are KS 819.881 821.437 in the middle of the ocean KS 821.437 822.288 KS 822.288 828.65 so that's what we'll do, we'll build bubbles, or something, or- or- or platforms, we'll actually part the water KS 828.65 833.311 right, to pull money out of the air, because it's a bright future KS 833.311 835.054 if you're an algorithm KS 835.054 837.122 KS 837.122 838.378 and it's not the money KS 838.378 841.843 that's so interesting, actually, it's what the money motivates KS 841.843 843.385 right? that we're actually KS 843.385 844.54 terraforming KS 844.54 846.0 the earth itself KS 846.0 848.371 with this kind of algorithmic efficiency KS 848.371 849.851 and in that light KS 849.851 853.48 you go back, and you look at Michael Najar's photographs KS 853.48 855.893 and you realize that they're not metaphor KS 855.893 857.069 they're prophecy KS 857.069 858.771 right, they're prophecy KS 858.771 859.602 for the kind of KS 859.602 860.737 seismic KS 860.737 861.385 KS 861.385 863.837 terrestrial effects of the math KS 863.837 864.83 that we're making KS 864.83 865.498 KS 865.498 868.902 and the- the landscape was always made by this sort of KS 868.902 871.925 weird uneasy collaboration between nature KS 871.925 872.857 and man KS 872.857 876.691 but now there's this kind of third co-evolutionary force KS 876.691 877.785 algorithms KS 877.785 879.102 the Boston Shuffler KS 879.102 880.095 the Carnival KS 880.095 882.832 and we will have to understand those as nature KS 882.832 884.007 and in a way KS 884.007 884.96 they are KS 884.96 885.973 thank you